Call #1

1.4K 40 2

Austin Ally

Ally. You called.


I don't know what to say. Your voice is so beautiful.

Thank you

I like talking to you

We've been talking for 30 seconds


Well, what do you want to talk about?

Whatever you want to

Let's play 20 questions


I'll go first. What's your favorite..... food?

Too easy. Pancakes. What's yours?

Also too easy. Pickles. Favorite color?

Yellow. Yours?

Red. Are you just going to copy every question I ask?

Nope. And now it's my turn.

What? No! That didn't count!

Yes it did. Do you have any siblings?

Nope. I'm an only child. What about you?

I have a little sister. She's only four.


Shut up

Be flattered. I like a sensitive guy

How do you know I'm sensitive?

I could hear your smile when you were talking about her. What's her name?

It's my turn. How old are you?

I turn sixteen next month.

Oh my gosh, so do I

What day?

The sixth

Hah! Mine is the fifth

That's so cool!............ Hey you still there?

Yah, sorry, I have to go. Dinner's ready.

K. Bye Alls.

Alls, I like it. Bye Austin.

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