Call #2

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Austin Ally
You don't have to ask, you know

Sorry, I'm not used to this

It's ok. It's not like you're in trouble or anything

Don't laugh because I said sorry.

Are you kidding? It's my favorite thing to laugh about

Ha ha, very funny

Yes it really is

Shut up or I'll start calling you weirdo again

Please do. Being a weirdo is my most prideful position

Who uses the word prideful?



Because it's a word

Ok, it's official, I'm calling you weirdo again

Thank you, I'm flattered

Ally Dawson, you are different from anyone I've ever met.

I hope that's a compliment

It is..........will you...will you sing me one of your songs?


You said you write songs, right?


So you must sing too

Well, yeah...but I don't know

Please, Alls? It would mean the world to me

.............ok 🎶baby I just ran out of band aids, I don't even know where to start, cause you can bandage the damage, you never really can fix a heart🎶..........

Is that it? Can't I hear more?

Maybe some other time. You're lucky you got that out of're the only person I've ever let listen to me sing, thanks, I feel honored to know that

I have to go to bed, bye

But it's only-



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