𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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a woman with (hair length) (hair colour) hair, and (eye colour) eyes walked through the streets of seoul, south korea with a straight face. her hair was flowing in the wind as she kept on walking, her heels clicking the grey pavement.

her grip tightened around a black and silver briefcase as she came to a stop, her gaze at a woman who was sitting outside a bar, hugging her knees to her chest, silently sobbing.

she walked up to woman and kneeled down in front of her. "excuse me, ma'am." you spoke in a formal tone.

the woman looked up at you, her eyes red and puffy from crying. "yes?" she asked in a hoarse voice.

"may i ask why you are crying?" you asked.

"i-i got fired. i am really behind in rent as well.. i don't know what to do..." she replied, biting her lip to try not to cry again.

you opened up the briefcase you have been holding for hours, revealing red and blue square ddakji pieces, and a lot of money.

the woman's eyes widened at the money, and telling herself not to take it.

you took out the ddakji pieces.

"you played ddakji before, right?" you asked, holding up the two pieces.

she nodded, confused.

"alright then. since you don't have much money, i'm being nice and going to offer you something. let's play a simple game of ddakji. if you manage to flip one of the cards using the other, i will give you four hundred thousand won." you explained, offering them to her, motioning her to choose one.

she reluctantly chose the red one. "and if you manage to flip the card?" she asked.

"well then if i flip your card, you give me four hundred thousand won." you replied simply.

"b-but... i just told you i lost my job and i'm far behind rent... i don't have that kind of money..." she trailed off.

"well then, you will just pay with your body." you replied, standing up and placing the blue piece on the ground

she stood up as well. "pay with my body? what do you mean?" she asked

"you'll see. now go on." you ushered her to go first.

she breathed in and out before throwing the red piece on the ground, barely touching the blue one, much to her dismay.

you picked up the blue piece and threw it on the red piece, successfully flipping it.

the woman looked down in shame. "y-you won... what do i now?" she whimpered.

you cleared your throat, raising your gloved hand. "this." you said before slapping her harshly, sending her staggering back slightly because of the impact.

she looked up in fear. "why did you slap me...?" she asked in a scared tone.

"you have to pay with your body, remember? now, here. round two." you replied, picking up the red piece, handing it to the shaken woman.

after many slaps, the woman who had a deep red mark on her cheek was about to give up. she decided to do one more round. she couldn't take any more of the pain.

she had put all her hope into the last round, and threw it on the ground.

she assumed she lost, so she shut her eyes, expecting a slap, but didn't get it.

she opened her eyes, and almost cried. the blue piece flipped over.

"congratulations." you said and picked up a pile of four hundred thousand won, handing it to the woman who was actually crying now.

"do you want to play another round?" you asked the woman who shook her head. "no no, i think four hundred grand is enough..." she replied, bowing slightly.

you nodded. "as you wish." you said and picked up the ddakji pieces, putting them back in the brief case.

"ma'am, do you want to earn more money?" you asked the woman who thought about it for a second.

"only if i'm not slapped all the time..." she replied and chuckled bitterly.

"well then you should consider being a part of our game." you said, handing her a card which had three shapes, a circle, triangle and square on one side of the card, and the other side had a six digit number.

"call us using that number if you want to be part of this game." you said, slightly smiling at the woman before picking up the brief case and walking away through the crowd.

the woman tried to follow you, but you disappeared in the crowd much to her dismay.

"maybe i should be a part of this 'game'?" she whispered to herself before sighing and walking home.


"welcome back, lady (name)." one of the squid game guards who had a circle shape on their red-pink uniform greeted you.

you nodded in greeting back and started to walk to your office after handing the now empty brief case to another guard who had a square on their uniform.

"oh, lady (name)." another guard started.

you turned around, facing him. "yes?"

"the front man wants to talk to you later on." the guard reply.

you nodded. "alright, thank you for telling me." you replied, turning back around and walking to your office.

once you reached your office, you took off your black suit jacket and placed it on the couch.

your office was your comfort place. it was a small room which had a f/c desk at the back, with a f/c chair behind it.

there's a coffee table in the middle of the room with four sofas. there was a huge glass chandelier on the ceiling. on the left of your desk was a lot of bookshelves.

you walked over to your desk and fell back, sitting on your chair, crossing your arms and leaning back on your chair, looking up at the white ceiling.

you remembered the time you were offered to be in the squid game.

"excuse me, ma'am." a man with black hair, wearing a suit walked up to you.

"hmm?" you hummed, not looking up from the lighter you were playing with.

"would you like to play a game for money?" he asked.

you stayed silent for a while before sighing. "ew." you said simply, confusing the man.

"you... don't want money?" he asked.

you stood up and pulled him down to your level by him collar. "listen here asshole. i'm not a beggar, alright? i do not like money. i don't want money. i like violence. violence and blood. so don't you even dare offer me money like a pity person." you snarled at him before releasing him from your grasp.

the man straightened his suit and looked at you confused,

'strange...' he thought.

"how about you just play for the blood and gore then?" he asked.

"how do you kill people?"

"they... get shot."


"they... get burned..."

"boring." you scoffed. "at least make more messed up techniques."

the man sighed, almost giving up.

"but i'll go anyway. seems fun."

"you will?"


the man smiled, handing you a card. "phone us if you still want to participate."

"lady (name), the front man needs to talk to you." you snapped out of your thoughts and nodded.

"i'll be right there."

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