𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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"are you sure there's no footage of anyone coming into my office?" (name) asked one of the guards who had a square on his mask. "yes. i've checked the backup cameras as well. none of them had footage of anyone breaking into your office." the guard replied. (name) sighed and nodded. "alright, thank you anyway." she said and walked back to her office.

once she reached her office, she cautiously opened the door and walked inside, in case the intruder was still in there. her files were placed like she sorted them in, and her office was neat as well. 'the intruder didn't come back this time.' she thought and took out four tiny black objects from her pocket.

those tiny black objects were cameras. they are tiny, but they show clear footage. she placed one camera in each corner of the walls in her office.

she did the same with her bedroom and the medical room.

'i want to have a good sleep tonight, knowing that no one's intruding.' she thought and got ready for the night.


"well, we're safe tonight." ji-yeong said as she and ju-so walked to their beds. ju-so nodded and noticed something on the wall. she nudged ji-yeong on the elbow, pointing to a wall which showed some simple figures playing games. the first showed a person turned around, and three others walking.

'red light green light'

the second showed people holding shapes.


the third was two people tugging a rope on each sides.

"tug of war" both ji-yeong and ju-so said simultaneously.


ju-so had woken up in the middle of the night, needing to go to the bathroom. she groggily got up from bed and walked to the door leading to the exit of the main room. she knocked on the door, waiting for one of the guards to arrive.

the little window-like shield opened, revealing one of the guards who had a circle on his mask. "yes?" he asked in a robotic tone. "i need to go to the restroom." ju-so replied. the guard stayed silent for a minute before opening the door fully, motioning her to follow him. ju-so did so without complaint.

once she reached the bathroom, she silently thanked the guard before walking in. she heard some... questionable noises in one of the stalls, but decided to ignore them. she walked inside one of the other stalls and did her business.

after a couple of minutes, she walked out of the stall and to the sink, washing her hands before opening the door to the bathroom, walking out, and closing the door behind her. the guard outside glanced at her through his mask before motioning her to follow him back to the main room.

she walked back to her bed which was beside ji-yeong's. "oh hey." ji-yeong greeted. it seems that she didn't fall asleep yet. "hi." ju-so greeted back, lying down on her bed. "where did you go?" ji-yeong asked. "bathroom. it seems like two people were having fun in there." ju-so replied, sighing. ji-yeong chuckled. "oh poor ju-so." she said. "well goodnight, i guess." ju-so said to ji-yeong who nodded in reply.


the next morning, ju-so woke up to some classy music. she looked around and saw that some others were awake as well. "well good morning." ji-yeong greeted. "good morning." ju-so greeted back. they stood there in a comfortable silence till the guards and the woman who collected the blood cells of the deceased had arrived. the guards explained everything they needed to know and told everyone to line up so they can get their food for the day. ji-yeong and ju-so stood in line, patiently waiting.

the guard had handed them both an egg and a glass bottle of sparkling water. like the other day, they silently thanked the guard and walked over to a corner. "this is all we get? yesterday's and the day before's was better." ji-yeong complained. ju-so sighed and shook her head, beginning to peel the egg. "well they did say there are six games, right? we finished two. so we have four more. i guess this can be enough food we have to survive." she said, taking a bite out of her peeled egg. ji-yeong sighed and shrugged.

while eating, they occasionally had small talk, or just sat in silence. their silence was interrupted when they heard someone yell, "it was them! they ate our food! i saw them!" ju-so and ji-yeong turned their heads and saw a man walking towards player one hundred and one. "why? why would you eat my food!?" the man yelled. player one hundred one said something inaudible. before they knew it, another fight had broke out. one hundred one had killed the man.

the doors of the main room opened, revealing two guards, who were walking in with a big black coffin with a pink bow on top. one other guard handed the formally dressed woman a syringe. she walked over to the corpse and rolled up his sleeve, collecting a sample of his blood before walking aside to let the guards collect his body and place it in the coffin.

before they could walk away however, player 456 stopped them. "do you have no shame in doing this?!" he yelled at them. the formally dressed woman turned around to look at him. "we give the deceased people's families a fair share of money. that's how we don't feel any shame." she explained before turning around to walking away. "then why are you so familiar to me!?" one other player yelled. the woman stopped in her tracks, turning around. "pardon?" she spoke. "what's your name, and why are you so familiar to me!?"

"my name is..."


"my name is hunter rae. i was a previous american player and winner from these games a few years ago." (name) lied. "lies..." the same player spoke. "how old were you when you played these games?" (name) sighed. "i was around seventeen years old when i was offered to participate." She replied. the player gasped. "you were only a child..." he said, punching himself in the face. (name) slightly scoffed and walked out of the room, but not before saying, "i don't know how i'm familiar to you."

(name) walked to her office, passing by another bunch of military guards, walking to the medical room, just like yesterday. 'again?' she thought, starting to get a bit annoyed and frustrated by their suspicious behaviour. she just sighed and brushed it off before walking to her office.

once she reached her office, she noticed that the door was slightly opened. she quickly, but silently walked inside, survival knife in hand. 'even if they're not here right now, the cameras probably recorded it all.' she thought.

no one was in her office, so she placed down the blood sample on her desk and walked over to the small black object, picking it up. she clicked on the side button, taking out a small memory card. she took out her phone, inserting the card into the space. she looked at her gallery on the card, trying to find any footage.

there wasn't any.

"how...?" (name) mumbled.   

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