part -7

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Time skip
Jungkook’s pov
           It’s been 10 days after I got my revenge from that person who is the cause of my friend’s death and also its been also 10 days that last I saw her in the school. Even thinking about her my heart starts to beat at a higher pace. These days I couldn’t even sleep properly because all my thoughts are occupied about her. Making her suffer for her sin is what I thought will make me live peace but… why I’m suffering by looking at her miserable state? Why my heart clenched at that day when she spoke to me with those painful saddened eye? Why can’t I feel happy about that I finally got my revenge? So many why’s are stuck inside my mind. At least these many thoughts will not be roaming around me if she would have screamed or made a big fuss out of my humiliation but what I got is her small smile with so much pain and sadness in it, which still haunts me.. A heavy sign left  pass me, we were sitting in the cafeteria while mina was sitting beside me silently, not like before when she used to be cling me every time because of that day when I declined her assumption about me loving her.
        I have successfully avoided y/n these days as per plan but somehow I feel some sort of pain in me while avoiding her but I reassured myself that I surely need to take this revenge. Whilst I was in deep thought about these while standing in the hall with mina beside me as I was waiting for my friends, I saw y/n walking towards my direction and suddenly I thought of something,  without thinking twice I straight away held mina’s face and kissed her to execute my plan.
Flashback ends
And after all those chaos I just cleared her doubt by just stating that I kissed her at a heat of the moment and about the thing I said I will love girls like her, I clarified that I told I will love girls like her but not her, So from that day she is distant from me and I also feel soo miserable for using her for my selfishness. Even I have been distant towards everyone these days, mostly my days are really gloomy. I don’t know why I feel so numb that it feels like I’m feeling the absence of happiness in my life.. Is it because I miss y/n ? may be, My heart craves for her presence and feels that pain every minute that she doesn’t comes to school. I’m concerned about her.

“Hey!! See here guys who is here! The famous sl*t.. miss y/n”, I came out of my thoughts by hearing that one name which definitely makes my heart skip few beats and shot my heads up to see her in the most vulnerable state which made my heart drop, looking pale as ever, that goofy smile of hers long gone. Now I see only the expressionless face, head facing the floor standing there at a distance with certain boys bullying her. My jaw clenching by seeing those boys. “ we were expecting your presence for a very long time, wondering how much busy you are wh*ring around” literally they are testing my patience now, my blood boils hearing that assh*le’s words while that fragile girl was standing there getting insulted. “ Come on y/n!! Will you not let us be your one among those one night stands who will get to have you for once? Huh!”. And just like that, that bastard touched her shoulders to which she flinched and yanked his hand and ran away with so much tears in her eyes which shattered my heart. And as for those boys they were laughing as if they achieved their goal.
           I couldn’t take it anymore with so much anger boiling inside me, I stood up the beat the shit out of those bastards but as I was about to walk towards them, suddenly taehyung’s voice echoed which made me halt in my steps “ Yoongi hyung!!!! What a surprise! Why didn’t you tell us that you are going to visit us after 2 years?” I slowly turned towards that person whom I have been missing these 2 yrs and felt like forever to see his face after that traumatizing moment. He left this country and went to overseas because it was too hard for him to remain in peace with his brothers memories.
     Tears formed in my eyes after seeing my brother figure after so long. But what I saw in his expressions made me really confused, he was seeing me with wide eyes? And his first words made me give him confused yet shocking look “ What the hell jungkook!?!!? Why are you not fighting for your Girlfriend who is getting bullyed by those assh*le???”
          I was beyond shocked when yoongi hyung mentioned y/n my girlfriend because he doesn’t even know that I’m in contact with y/n, it’s impossible. Before I protest taehyung spoke “ What are you talking about hyung? She is not jungkookie’s girlfriend but she is the one because of whom we lost are dearest minjae…” and totally explained about my Revenge which is the  reason why those boys bullied her. What we expected from yoongi hyung that he will show some sort of emotions but something unexpected happened in return we got that yoongi hyung who was looking at us especially me with so much anger. Suddenly he came towards me gave a tight slap. All my friends gasped while I was holding my left cheek. “ Hyung..-“ I started but got cut off when he spoke “Did you lost your mind jungkook?!!! Are you for real!? How can you do such shameless thing to a fragile figure like her?? First of all who the hell told you that she is the reason behind his dead?! Did you ever thought of finding the real truth behind it before doing this brainless revenge thing?! Noo!! Right, now listen I will tell you”
   Yoongi’s pov
           These days I’m very much disturbed by minjae’s behaviour. Growing up with no parents or guardians is not a easy thing, life for both us was very miserable. Being the elder one, I’m doing many part-time jobs for both us living I’m always depressed but the thing is seeing minjae’s smile and goofy self, my stress will always vanish like thin air, he being the reason I live in peace. But recently he had became more distant not only from me but also his best friend jungkook.
            Now he only stays in his room for more hours, doesn’t attends school because of health issues, most important thing is that he used to share about his daily life events with me but now when I approach him, he will quickly change the topic or will leave me quietly.
                This hurts me a lot. I really want my cute, goofy minjae back. It’s also not good for him to keep things himself because I know how sensitive he is. So after so many thoughts I made my ways towards his room and opened slowly and peaked inside to see the most heart breaking moment in front me, minjae sobbing hardly while hugging his knees close to his chest.  Without thinking twice I ran towards him and engulfed him in my embrace while patting his back to calm him down. “ Minjae what happened? Why are you crying? You know right you can talk to me, It will make it easy for you..” I tried my best to calm me but his sobs were not decreasing so I just gave him some time to calm.
              After certain time, his sobs decreased and he broke from my embrace looked at my face with those puffy red eyes. Seeing him in this state my heart clenches.
Then he spoke “ Hyung … why always I can’t get something which I wholeheartedly want? I don’t deserve any happiness in my life right? That’s why I can’t get that affection and love which I crave for..” and tears started to fall from his eyes. “ jaee tell me what happened I can’t understand? Did someone hurted you? Or its because of y/n? But few days back you were talking about confessing to her right?” I’m really confused at this point. He just painfully smiled a little and spoke “ Yes I’m hurted because of someone not one and because of two person who means the world to me. Hyung I did propose her but she was not in a good mood and she harshly rejected me. I thought because of certain reasons she behaved like that I shrugged it off and thought of talking to her some other day but after school when I was strolling through beach…I -I saw her hugging jungkook a-and she was crying in his embrace while he -he was patting her back like a protective boyfriend for her. It-it hurted me a lot but I know that jungkook deserves her more than me because he is more than perfect for her than compared to me hyung..but-but what I can do she is my world of happiness and lovely person whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life…it’s been a week after that incident and still I- I can’t-“ he couldn’t finish his sentence as it’s so hard for him to handle.
        “ Minjae… you are perfect my boy, please don’t think about your self so low. I know what jungkook did is wrong but if she loves him it’s not his or her fault? I know you loved her more than a year but it’s not like we will always get what we wanted right? It will be hard to move on but you have me by your side and also jungkook maybe he will have a explanation to give you…” I try my hardest to not tear up in front him but to console him with positive thoughts and words, at this moment I blame myself for being with him most of the time that’s the reason he is feeling unloved. And No I’m not angry towards jungkook yet a little bit disappointed maybe because he is also a brother to me. After hearing my words minjae just embraced me and tightly held as I was patting his head softly. After certain minutes, minjae slept and as I was also feeling more sleepy I slowly tucked him into the bed by placing the duvet over his body properly and mentally decided spend more time with him for few days. After taking a quick glance towards his sleepy self I left sleep.
Time skip
     Suddenly due to thirst I woke up and went towards the kitchen to have some water. As my daily habit I went to check on minjae’s room. But little did I know that it was the day my life will take this horrific turn. What I was expecting to see was my brother sleeping self, but what I got was my brother’s pale body lying in the cold floor with certain white substance coming from his mouth.
      My breath hitched., Then too I quickly went towards him to check his pulse but no he isn’t breathing, no pulse. I lost my only family. I lost my only reason to live. I know certain days I wasn’t able to give him the affection he craved for, but now it too late. Everything is over, how stupid of him and how selfish he is.. to take his life without giving a second thought about me. I don’t know what my life holds for me. After the funeral, I got minjae’s letters while cleaning his room. After reading those I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore and I called jungkook and others to see it. Whilst my miserable state I did noticed that jungkook read only the first letter and left the second one in the floor. But I was too drowned into my own misery I couldn’t focus on that so that day itself I decided to leave to overseas because I know I do need to move on, as hard it is for me I need to live to at least cherish my brother’s memories inside me.
Flashback ends
    “ And because you didn’t read his another letter you really decided that she is the cause of her death Jeon?!! Then listen! you too are the reason behind his death. But I didn’t blame you or said anything about you loving with his one side lover girl, because he died because of his sensitive yet lonely and depressed self which makes even me the cause of his death. And also you are also like my own brother so that’s the reason I didn’t question you but what you did to that girl was soo shameful act of yours….I’m very much disappointed in you guys which makes me regret thinking of visiting you guys here…” and I took that letter from my bag and throwed at his face.

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