part 8

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My kookie
I trusted you more than myself, Why you did this to me
Do I really deserve this pain which I'm going through
If you just once told me about her
I would have given up on her
Still I would have tried to be happy for you both
But why?
Why did you decided to betray me behind my back
Hating you both is impossible
Its suffocating me knowing that you betrayed me but still I'm not able to hate you both
Sorry for this decision kook I have no other choice than this
I know my absence will bother you and especially you my lovely yoongi hyung
I really apologize for this selfish decision hyung but you will be the bestest gift I ever got
You are that sunshine in my darkness hyung
Though,We promised to take care Of each other till death
But here I'm giving up on you in half journey itself
Don't blame on yourself hyung, because this is my decision
I know I'm leaving you just like that but please be happy at least for me hyun
Always keep in mind that your cute little jae loves you soo much hyung
Kook, I do have a request please take care of yoongi hyung, because now you're his only family
You guys are my world, remember I will be watching you as I will always stay in your hearts
Goodbye ~~ your's minjae

Jungkook's pov

If I said I was shocked will be an understatement, I was beyond shocked and frozen at after reading it and knowing the real story. I hurted her, she was innocent. Now I remember why she was soo familiar to me at the first day I saw her not because she was minjae's love but she was that girl who I saw in her miserable self at one night and then with numbness spread throughout myself I spoke "'s indeed a misunderstanding at the first place---"


As usual I was strolling through the beach with a hoodie and mask on my face as I don't any of my friend near here to recognize me. When ever I feel down or I feel depressed I used to take a walk at the sea sides as it really calms me. As I was being in my own world, I saw a girl maybe

2 or 3 years younger than me, sobbing while sitting near the sea which made my sad. She was looking so fragile , I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Without thinking twice I made my ways towards her and slowly sat beside her. She was hiding her face while hugging her knees close to her chest. I cleared my throat and she froze in her place after recognizing that someone is next to her. " You know.. I'm a stranger to you, if you want you can share it with me. I won't judge you like the people who are close to you will do" I started to speak to calm her a bit. After some moments she looked at me with her puffy red eyes and nose. She was confused yet some time later she spoke " You know...for every human what they all need and mostly want is only two things affection and true love. But unfortunately i-I'm too unlucky to deserve those basic happiness. All I wanted in my life is my parents love and certain true friends with whom I will share my secrets and day to day happiness. May be I was born unluckiest, because I only get to see my parents once a while and mostly they will be overseas. When I wanted to share something special about my school, my mom will not be there. Only the maids who will serve me only food and about friends I surely got them but all are staying with me because of my family wealth and my status not because they adore or like me as a person wholeheartedly. At certain point, I don't know I feel like giving up, I don't have any reason to go on with my life...I'm living like a lifeless body without soul-" and she started sobbing more loudly. I can feel her pain because I myself was had experienced it at certain moment but now I have my friends, minjae and yoongi hyung but for this poor girl she doesn't even have a single soul. After certain thoughts.. I slowly leaned forward and calmly took her in my embrace while she froze because she didn't expect this but she hugged back. While patting her back I spoke " I know what it feels like because I have experienced it but don't worry after every hardship definitely there will surely be presence of a sunshine in your life. I can assure you that, so keep going in your life and don't waste your precious days by living in misery". After some good minutes she stopped crying and looked into my eyes " thank are like a guardian angel to me who saved me before I took any kind of wrong decisions" and wholeheartedly smiled. I just smiled at her cute self and after sometime she left as it was pretty late. We didn't get know each other more because as time was not sufficient and I too walked back to my dorm. Little did I know that someone was seeing this interaction with a glossy eyes filled with so much sadness.

Flashback ends

As I finished explaining, I could see that visible shock in yoongi hyung's eyes as same applies to all my friends. Though I do remember minjae showing me picture of y/n, I couldn't figure out that the stranger girl was y/n because I didn't force to recognize her. He surely misunderstood the situation and without confronting with me, he took this decision. We can't blame him because we do know about how sensitive and emotional type he is.

Even it's not the mistake of y/n, she suffered more than anybody could handle. At this situation I'm at fault, without knowing the new story behind this I took the situation in own hands which is so shameless of me. I hurted the girl who was already more than broken, that girl who didn't get to have affection she deserved, that girl who cares about everyone but yet there is no one to care about her and I hurted that girl who I love the most, who makes my heart skip beat with her mere smile and with whom I want to spend my rest of the life. But... it's too late, she gave everything to me but what I did in return?? I just broke her trust and love. I'm feeling more guilty of my actions now, I want to hug her and cry in her arms for forgiveness but after all this she will not definitely not even want to see my face. I deserve this pain but I will not give up on her now.

Yoongi hyung comforted me which was really shocking but what to expect, he gives the same amount of love which he used to give to minjae. But after sometime, that I didn't waste a single minute and started to search for my y/n in the school while my friends were dealing with those boys who bullied her. But to my disbelief she was not there in the whole school. I searched in the corridors, in class rooms and every single area expect the rooftop, she was not there, concern and worries took over me as I know how hurt she will be feeling after that. I regret everything thing that I did to her. With tears continuously flowing, I was about to turn and run towards to rooftop but suddenly a loud thud echoed from the entrance and all the students started to gather around a specific area murmuring something. As I decided to see what happened there I heard someone shouting " someone call the ambulance!! a student fell from the rooftop and loosing a lot of blood!!!" I don't know after hearing that my heart felt uneasy, my breathing became uneven, but I slowly made my ways towards the crowd of students to see who was it, But I regretted that decision, my heart dropped with my eyes widened in shock and my blood froze after seeing that person. There she was, the girl whom I claimed to love for the whole life, laying unconscious with soo much blood covering her face and body. I couldn't move a single muscle and it felt like I forgot how to breathe. Suddenly few people came and took her into the ambulance but I was still standing like a statue with my mind filled with that horrific image which I witnessed. My breathing became uneven as tears kept falling like rain, I fell on my knees and screamed "Y/nn....Wh-yy!! Why did you take this decision......I can't lose you like thus.. I can't.." all my friends came and took me from there but I didn't feel anything my body felt numb. By seeing my state, They decided to take me to the hospital because they too felt really hurt thinking about her and they were also very much concerned.

Time skip

As we reached the hospital, my heart started to race with so much fear and so many questions filling my brain like 'she will be fine right?' 'what if something happened to her?' with thousands of thoughts and fear, i made way towards the emergency ward, We had a talk with the doctor as he said she is out of danger which was really a great relief for me but he also told us about her condition that she should take more rest because she is soo weak due the lack of food and sleep. My heart clenched by hearing his words, she is suffering because of a jerk like me. At this moment I'm really scared what if she doesn't ever want to see my presence anymore, thinking about this itself makes me want to die at this moment. I asked the doctor whether we can meet her, after getting his permission I slowly walked towards her room and opened the door without making any noise. Seeing the love of my life covered with wires and so many bandages makes me feel more heart broken. Slowly I sat to the side of her bed and took her small hand in mine. Softly caressing her knuckles, my eyes watered seeing her in this heartbroking state. "Y/n - princess....I'm really so-sorry...please forgive this jerk for breaking your heart. I don't deserve you baby- I know that..yo-you are an angel....but I-I can't lose you...I will earn your forgiveness...ple- please forgive me princess..." I couldn't control but to break down into sobs with my hands holding hers tightly. I can't afford to lose her when I know she holds my heart for the lifetime. Her love and affection is what I want for myself but I fear what if she will hate me more, I don't know if I will handle that much pain.

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