Chapter 6

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Reader POV:

Ian and I walked over to his place after school the next day. As we both walked in, I took off my shoes, his house was really cool, it had so many lovely decorations, I really need to remind Dad to put our furniture up properly. After looking around, I saw a cute little dragon running up towards me, looking ready to give me affection.

"Down, girl." Ian yelled to get the pet off me.

"It's fine, Ian, I love animals, especially this lovely friendly one!" I patted her head.

"Yeah, but she can get a little...fiesty."

"And who is this I see finally home!" I heard a voice bellow through the hallway, I turned my head to see an older elf, maybe eighteen or nineteen.

"Hey, Barley, I'm home." Ian said nervously.

Barley gave Ian a massive hug, lifting him from the ground.

"And who is this young maiden I see in the doorway?" Barley asked lifting his hand for a handshake.

"Hello, I'm Y/N, I suppose you're Ian's brother, am I correct?" Shaking his hand.

"My, my, I see that Ian's mentioned me then." He chuckled lightly.

"Barley, not now." Ian said, looking embarrassed, "Y/N is here so I can help her with our chemistry studies."

"Fine, but I see a young warrior in the making, after thou chemistry, you shall play Quests of Yore, to see who is the true fighter in this town!"

"What's 'Quests of Yore'?" I asked.

"Oh, it's only a harmless roleplaying game." Ian ushered me out of the stairs.

"Hey! It's not a game, it's a real life magical scenario!" I heard Barley shout up the stairs.

I giggled, seeing the brothers arguing was quite entertaining.

Ian's POV:

"Well, I understand a lot better now, thank you Ian so much, I really appreciate it." Y/N seemed relieved at finally understanding what was going, "I should ace the next exam, thanks to you!" She punched my arm lightly.

"Anytime, now, could you please help me with understanding something?" I asked.

"Ok...sure, what is it?", she answered curiously.

I shuffled a little closer to her, I felt my face go a warm colour.

"I want to know about you."

Y/N was surprised at that statement "Ok, like what?" She asked.

"Well, I've never met someone like you, I feel like I want to know everything about you and humans, EVERYTHING!"

"I mean, where do I even begin....? I have parents, a grandmother, siblings, the whole lot." She explained to me.

"But what about you? Where did you come from? Why did you decide to move here?" I asked with even more curiosity.

"Excuse me?! Ian, that's a bit rude, especially since I've just met you."

"Oh my god. You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it like that." I scratched the back of my head, embarrassed and ashamed.

"Well, I wouldn't worry about it too much, I know you're just excited and curious. I just wouldn't say that again if you meet another human."

I then heard a knock on the door from Barley, before he came barging in the room.

"Who's ready to play Quests of Yore!" He yelped at the top of his voice.

"You don't have to play this, Y/N."
I stated with worry.

"Oh no, please continue, I would love to play this game." She said with both hands on her chin, like a little child.

"Now, for this special occasion, I bought a rare dragons egg that I found from Ravens Point on Ian and I's last adventure!" Barley pulled a blue egg out of his pocket, why he didn't tell me about it I'll never know.

After playing for around half an hour, Y/N said that her grandmother was expecting her home anytime now.

"Aw, man", Barley sighed "but, before you go, you must at least hold the little guy, it won't bite it's only an egg."

"Ok, then, sure."

"Wow, very impressive, it's not moving or anything, see Ian? I told you that it wasn't dangerous. Now, Ian will lead you out and Y/N and we'll see you-"


A sound emitted from the egg, causing it to crack completely and a little green baby dragon appeared from it.

"Oh no, oh no no no no." Barley grabbed one of his cards from the game, "this is bad, really really bad."

"What the hell, Barley!" I yelled, "what is that, and what's so bad about it!"

"I don't know, I just picked it up from Raven's point, but it's not the baby that we need to worry about, it's the mother."

"Why?" Y/N asked.

"Well, if this type of dragon, called 'nyphamortus', isn't with the mother when it hatches, the capturer's most cared for object or people are taken in return.

"Oh god, that means, the mother then has my family?" Y/N said with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Unfortunately, yes because you held it when it hatched, I don't make the rules." Y/N was now in tears, Barley and I gave eachother sad looks as we comforted her.

"Hey, hey, don't worry, we'll get them back, I promise." I crossed my heart  with my fingers.

"But there us a way to help, we just need to return it to the mother, easy!" Barley said, but Y/N stood up and wiped her tears.

"So, are we really doing this?" She asked.

"As it's your family, we have to save them, it's what wizards and warriors do." Barley exclaimed with a grin.

"Ok, I'm ready, I just hope they're ok." She worried.

"Hey", I rested my hand on her shoulder, "they'll be fine."


"Promise!" I pulled out my pinkie and crossed it with hers, "Let's do this!"

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