Chapter 8

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Reader POV:

It was dawn when we were woken by Barley playing rock music in the van.

"Good morning my fellow wizards," He announced with such volume I was sure everyone in Mushroomton could hear him.

"Barley, it's 6am..." Ian groaned.

"We need more time to help José, now, I studied when you were both sleeping and found a way to create more magic, all we need is your staff, Ian and you, Y/N, oh, this is going to be good." Barley explained in excitement.

"Sweet, what do we need to do?" I asked.

Me, Ian and Barley stepped out of the van, Ian holding his staff, Barley holding his book, and me, tidying myself up.

"Now, Y/N, stand over here," Barley said, drawing a triangle on the concrete next to the grass, "Ian, put your staff on this corner of the triangle, and you two stand on the other ends of the triangle and stay still."

"Is this safe?" I asked nervously.

"It will be if you have the magic gift, then, by that, a new wand should appear in the middle of the triangle." Barley seemed proud of this explanation. "Now, stay still, it should be happening any moment now."

And suddenly, the wind picked up drastically, causing objects flying through the air.

"CONCENTRATE!" Barley yelled.

A bright light lifted Ian's staff, causing it to grow a branch before snapping off, causing a wand to form. Before everything calming down, with the wand falling into my hands.

I've only read about this in books or seen them in movies, now I don't know what to believe.

"WE DID IT, YES, YOU'VE GOT THE GIFT, Y/N!" Barley was over the moon.

"Now we have enough power to save your family." Ian looked happy.

"Thanks, guys, now can we....owww, crap that hurts."
A sharp pain hit the side of my leg, nearly causing me to fall. It turns out, during the turbulence, a sharp piece of glass had cut my leg.

"Y/N! Are you ok?" Ian asked worriedly.

"It looks bad, but I'll bandage it up while you guys practise on your magic." Barley reassured us.

This might cause delay, but hopefully my family will be ok, aren't they?

Ian's POV:

Damn, that cut was bad, I hope that Barley can help her, she looks like she's in so much pain.

Oh, who am I kidding, of course it would, it's glass!

I placed my hand on Barley's shoulder, "it's ok, I'll stay with her, just keep working on how we can help her." Barley nodded and walked to the van as I sat down next to her, tears were forming in her eyes.

"Hey, it's all gonna be ok, Barley has bandaged you up, you have a wand now, and soon we can give back the dragon."

Y/N smiled, "it's not the pain, it's the worry of my family, they were all counting on me to start a better life, but I've always felt like I'll never be good enough or help them, I just want to be the best person I can be." Her head rested on my shoulder. I placed my hand on her cheek to face me.

"I understand completely about how you feel, don't you see? You're just like me, human or not human, we can understand eachother and how we feel."

Her face turned a slight pink as did mine, our faces drew closer to eachother's as José popped up and licked my face.

"See? He likes you."

"Yeah, yeah, I just wouldn't get too attached to him." I giggled.

Maybe humans aren't so complex after all.

Ian Lightfoot x Human! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now