Chapter 12

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Reader POV:

We had arrived at the Mountain. I was finally ready to save my family. Although, I was nervous about fighting the mother. But as long as we give José back, it'll be alright.

Us three stopped at a huge field with rocks. And we saw the mother, she was MASSIVE, looked just liked her son, but a darker green. With my wand in hand, Ian and Barley handed me the baby, I saw my family, tears were falling down my cheeks.

Ian held my hand softly as we slowly walked to her, Barley got her attention by honking his van horn, she turned her head and roared after seeing her son.

She came running, Ian took him from my hands and used his levitation spell to lift José to her, he gently settled him, the mother dragon sniffed him, before holding him with her mouth, she let go of my family.

I ran over and gave my brother and sister a hug, I couldn't stop apologising to everyone for the trouble I caused. I didn't care about anything else then, just that I saved them, even if it was my fault in the first place.

The mother roared once more, a way of saying thank you, and José did a little goodbye call.

"Goodbye, José, I'll miss you." I said, but and the mother turned away to fly away, her tail accidently hit a boulder, making it crumble down, I pushed my siblings away before the shower of rocks hit me, I fell to the ground, with cuts and bruises, I landed on my knees before my vision turning black.

Ian's POV:

Oh no.

Oh no.

Oh no no no no.

I ran over to Y/N as the rocks hit, I climbed over the rubble before hearing cries from the family.

"Barley, GO AND HELP THEM!" I yelled to him before he was running.

I used my magic to lift a huge boulder and I saw her, unconscious, cuts and bruises.

I held her limp body gently, my cheeks were stained with tears and I saw her almost lifeless.

"Y/N, please, wake up, I can't lose you. Please I can't lose you because, I think I really like you. I don't care you're human, I just want you to be ok." I held her closer as I cried more.

Until I felt her move.

She was moving.

"I-ian, is that you dude?" I heard her say.

"Oh my god, Y/N. You're alive! I thought I lost you." I hugged her tightly, I looked deep into her eyes, and kissed her. My senses became clear when I felt her, I let go slowly before realising what I had done.

"Oh god, Y/N, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" I was cut off when she kissed me back, my eyes widened before returning my affection back.

"Yeah, I like you too idiot." She smiled brightly, god, I love that smile.

I helped her out of the rubble as he family all called out to her and embraced her.

Then, her father came over and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, for everything."

I smiled, "You're welcome."

Ian Lightfoot x Human! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now