Chapter 13

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Hayley's pov

My alarm went off around 6. I had to feed the animals before heading to the police station to give them my statement. Thankfully It was starting to get light out. I head to the barn and close the door behind me and grab all the different feed bowls. I get everyone's food ready and give It to each of the horses. I didn't want to let anyone out of the barn because I haven't heard if they caught the mountain lion or bobcat whatever the hell It is. I'll clean the stalls tonight.

I head back inside and take a quick shower before heading to the police station. I was on the phone with Hope while I was headed there.

"Alright I just pulled in, I'll give you a call once Im out. I love you." I say

"Let me know how It goes, I love you too." She says

I park in one of the parking spots and head inside. I head to the front desk.

"I'm here to make a statement, officer Jackson asked me to come in and make a statement." I say

"Let me see if she's here, if not I'll have another officer assist you with this." Says the man at the front desk as he picks up the phone, I'm guessing to call the officer. I take a seat in one of the chairs to wait. 

A few minutes later officer Jackson walks in the station.

"Hayley, nice to see you. I apologize for making you wait. If you will follow me I can take you to one of the rooms and we can get that statement taken care of." She says and I stand up and follow her to one of the back rooms.

"Take a seat, I will grab that paperwork for you and be right back." She says and as soon as I sit down she exits the room to her the papers. She comes back a few minutes later with the papers.
She explains everything and I write my statement down and sign It before handing It over to her.

"How's your dog?" She asks

"She's most likely paralyzed in the back legs, but she's a fighter." I say

"I'm sorry to hear that.  She sounds like a fighter. I wish her and you the best of luck." She says shaking my hand. I shake her hand back.

"Thank you, do you know if they caught It?" I ask

"Not that I'm aware of. I know they are sending more people out to check the trail so I would be very careful out on your own. You said you're parents are coming back today right?" She asks 

"Correct" I say

"Perfect, if you can I would avoid being outdoors alone until they get home. Even then I would avoid the trail  for the time being. Just to be safe." She says

"Got It.  Am i free to go?" I say

"Yes you are free to go, we will call you if we have any questions." She says opening the door

"Sweet thanks so much. Have a good day." I say getting up from my chair and heading out of the police station.

I head straight to the vets clinic to get an update on Lexi.  I park in the parking spot and head inside the building. The lady at the front desk greets me and allows me to go in the back.

"Hayley! It's good to see you. I was actually about to call you. I've got some good news." Says the doctor

"You do?" I ask

"It seems like Lexi is better then I thought. Becky, who worked the night shift said she was moving her back legs trying to get  up when she went to give her some pain meds. So she doesn't seem to be paralyzed like I originally thought. I want to keep her one more night to give her some more fluids and pain medication. She won't be up  and walking for a few more days but I think she's gonna make a full recovery. She's gonna have scars from the claws and teeth, I'll give you some antibiotics too to make sure nothing gets infected." She says

"Thank you so much!" I say shaking her hand.

"Of course, I'm glad you took the chance with her." She says

"Me too." I say

The nurse brings Lexi out and lays her down on the table. I pet her for a bit before my phone rings. I look down and It was Jill. I put the phone to my ear and answer It.

"Hey Jill."  I say

"Hey Hayley, I hope you're doing well. I'm sure you already know why I'm calling but I wanted to touch base with you and offer you a spot for the upcoming camp. I know you were only able to play that first game but I do see a lot of potential and I want to see more of what you can bring to this team.  What do you say?" She says

"Thank you so much for the opportunity, I would be honored to come and play. I still feel like I have a lot to prove." I say

"I'm happy to hear It. I will see you next week." She says

"Thank you, have a good day." I say

"You too Hayley, take care." She says before ending the call.

Holy shit I can't believe I got called up!!

I ended up staying with Lexi for a little while longer before deciding to head back home to finish chores around the ranch. My parents flight should be coming in within the next couple hours as well so I'll have to leave to go pick them up.

I pull each of the horses out one by one so I can clean the stalls, once I finish I put them back in the stall and make sure their waters are filled.  I head inside and grab some water. I head to my truck and make the drive to the airport. 

My parents told me to just wait outside for them and that they would call when they are walking out so I just drove around the airport until I got the call. They put their baggage in the back and I drive home.

My parents ask a million questions about yesterday. They were glad to hear that I was okay and that Lexi will be okay. I could tell my dad was upset that he wasn't there. Considering he's been warning me for months. I didn't tell them that I wasn't originally going to bring It with me but for some reason I decided to grab It. The situation could have been very very different if I hadn't. Which is kinda scary to think about because If that was just me I probably would be dead.

I park and my parents bring their bags inside and I grab my stuff so I can head back to my house. I decided to go on a run before I take a shower and stay in for the night.

I normally run around the ranch but I'm not about to deal with that so I'm planning on heading to the local park that's not far from home. It's for a track on It so I'll probably run a few laps and call It a night.

While I got ready I called Hope. She was just as excited, maybe even more excited about me getting called up. She knew I was getting ready for a run and that the call would be on the shorter side. She was making herself some dinner while we were talking.

"Alright babe I'm gonna go start this run before It gets any darker, I will call you when I get back to my truck and I'm on my way home. After that I'll shower and we can spend the rest of the night watching The vampire diaries on FaceTime?" I ask

"Sounds like a plan, please be safe I'll see you soon.  I love you." She says

"I love you too" I say

She hangs up a few seconds later and I grab my water and keys. I head to my truck and drive to the park and park in one of the parking spots. I put my music on and start my run. I probably did 4 or 5 laps before I decided that It was getting a bit to dark. I know the chances of that bobcat being over here but better to be safe then sorry.

I drive home and text Hope letting her know that I'm okay and alive and head home. She was actually busy so I just went home and drive home and hop in the shower, once I'm dressed I head to the kitchen to make some dinner. Hope eventually FaceTimes me and we watch the vampire diaries until  I fall asleep.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I decided I'm gonna do smaller chapters around 1000-1500 ish so I can get these chapters out sooner! It's the weekend so I'll try to upload again tomorrow. Also working on  the next chapter of Coming Home (book 2) as well, not sure if It will be out tonight since it's already 2:30 am but definitely be on the lookout for It tomorrow!

Have a good weekend and stay safe!!

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