Chapter 21

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Hopes pov

I was still waiting in the waiting room with Hayley's family. It's been a few hours since we first got to the hospital and there's been no updates. Hayley's parents were quiet had seated down and I was pacing back and forth. I heard my phone ringing so decide to take a seat and check my phone. I had so many messages from everyone. I didn't think the news found out about It or anything. I decided to go back to group text from one of our last camps to send everyone a message.

Me: hey guys I just figured I'd text everyone here so I don't have to send single messages to everyone.  It's been a few hours but no one's came in with any updates.

Emily: do you know how she ended up in the ditch?

Me: she was hit by a drunk driver on her way home from dropping me off at the airport. My flight got delayed due to some maintenance issues. Hayley's parents called and asked if I had heard from her. When I didn't hear from her I got worried. Since my flight was delayed until the morning they were gonna put me in a hotel. So I got an Uber and headed back towards her house to help her parents find her and then I remembered we share our locations with each other. So I followed her location and that's when I saw the other car. Hayley said the road is rarely used so there wasn't anyone on the road. I got out to see if he was okay and he told me he hit a truck and I knew It was Hayley. He pointed in the direction of the ditch and I saw her truck down there and I got down to her as fast as I could. She was upside down and unconscious. Paramedics and firefighters made me go back up to the road while they got her out of the car. I waited with her parents and they life flighted her to the hospital and we haven't heard anything yet.

Ali: they only life flight people who are in critical condition, but maybe It was just to be safe. Did she say she had any injuries?

Alex: do they know when the accident happened?you said the road only had the drunk drivers car on It.

Me: I haven't heard anything about that. I'm sure there will be an investigation on It. If I hear anything I will let you know.

Lindsey: oh god, I hope she's okay! Please keep us posted and stay strong!

Christen: sending positive vibes and prayers your way! Hoping she's going to be okay.

Tobin: I'm so sorry Hope. Same as Christen. Keep us posted

Alex: she'll pull through she's strong. You and her family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Me: Thanks guys! I'll keep you guys posted.

I put my phone back into my pocket and continue to wait with Hayley's parents for news. A little while later a doctor walks into the room and comes over to us.

"Gray family?" He asks

"That's us." Says Hayley's Mom

"I have some good news and some bad news. I'll start with the bad news. Hayley had some internal bleeding, we were able to go in and stop the bleeding but we had to remove her spleen in the process. She has two fractures, one to her wrist and the other to the skull, they thought at the scene she had a TBI so that's why she was life flighted here. We will be monitoring her for selling and fluid build up but as of right now she doesn't need any surgery or anything. She's very lucky. We will definitely know more once she wakes up. She's being monitored in recovery and She'll he moved to a room shortly." He says

"Thank you so much doctor." Says Hayley's mom

"Do you have any questions for me?" He asks

"How long will she be in the hospital?" Asks her dad.

"Well It depends on when she wakes up. If she wakes up tonight then we will keep her for 2-3 days. It all depends on when she wakes up." He says

"What's the recovery time? She plays professional soccer." I ask

"That can be a bit tricky, As of right now she's looking at least a month and that's if she's allowed to play with a cast. If she can't, then It will be more towards 2 months.  Her wrist should be fully healed within the next 4-6 weeks, her concussion will probably take 2 weeks or so and as for her stomach I would wait at least a month to be fully recovered. Her stitches will be removed in about a week and a half." He says

"What do you recommend?" Asks Hayley's mom

"I would recommend going back once she's fully recovered, last thing you would want is for her to go back to playing before she's healed and then something happens, not only is It dangerous but It could set her back even further." He says

"Got It, thank you doctor." She says

"Of course, if you have any other questions please feel free to ask a nurse and they can page me and I can come answer them. Hayley should be in her room now. I will go check and I'll have a nurse come and get you guys and she'll take you up to see her." He says shaking all of our hands before getting up and walking out of the room.

10-15 minutes later a nurse comes in and we follow her to Hayley's  room.  I wait outside while Hayley's parents see her. After a few minutes I hear Hayley's mom.

"Hope? You can come in." She says

I walk in and take a seat next to Hayley's bed.

"We are going to go home and get a few things, my husband has to tend to the farm. Please let us know if she wakes up. Would you like me to bring anything for you?" She asks

"Maybe a phone charger. Other then that I can't think of anything.  Thank you." I say

"Of course, please text me if you need anything." She she's

"I will thank you." I say

Hayley's parents leave soon after and it's just me and Hayley. I send a quick text to everyone and give them an update before I move my chair closer to her bed and grab her hand.  The room as silent, other then the beeping of the machines.


So sorry for the lack of updates! Thanks so much for reading!

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