Chapter 27

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Hayley's pov

It's been a few weeks and I can finally return back to my normal activities. I still had a cast on my wrist but another week or so I should be able to get it off and I'll probably just have to wear a brace for another couple weeks.

My parents are still very hesitant about me riding and even with soccer because of my head injury, even though I feel fine. I promised them that if I ever felt off that I'd immediately stop and get checked out.

I also needed to decide what team I was gonna play for. I could play here and still do rodeos on the weekends or whenever I didn't have games.

It would also be nice to play and live with Hope. I hate whenever she has to leave or when I have to leave her to go back home.

Thankfully both teams were aware of my accident and gave me some extra time to figure things out but I didn't want to leave them waiting.

I snap out of my thoughts hearing a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say

The door opens revealing my mom.

"Hey honey, you feeling okay enough to feed the horses?" She asks

"Of course, I'll be down in 5." I respond getting out of bed.

She leaves and I get dressed. I grab my boots and head downstairs. I stop at the end of the stairs feeling a bit dizzy.

"You okay honey?" Asks my mom

"Yeah I'm good." I say as I take a seat on the steps and put my boots on. Once they are on I stand back up and head out to the barn.

I head to the storage room and head to the feed containers and begin getting bowl ready with the correct feed before giving each horse their food.

While they are busy eating, I decided to clean the stall and put some fresh hay down. 

"Thank you for feeding them." Says my dad

"Of course, do you need help with anything?" I ask

"No, I'm done for now. Thank you." He says

"Let me know if you need help with anything." I say

"Will do." He says

I decided to head back to the house to make some coffee. Mom was sat at her desk staring at her computer.

"I'm gonna make some coffee would you like some?" I ask

"Yes please." she says

I make enough for the two of us and I bring her a cup once it's done.

"When do you wanna go pick out a new truck?" She asks

"Great question." I say

In all honesty, ever since the accident I haven't been a huge fan of driving or being in cars. I guess It kinda gave me PTSD.

"Have the police reached out to you about the trial?" She asks snapping me out of my thoughts

"No, not yet." I say

"I'll give Andrew a call to see if he can give us a timeline." She says

"Thank you."  I say

While drinking my coffee I decided I was hungry so I made some breakfast. I eat and put my dishes in the sink before heading up to my room.

I wanted to her most of my stuff packed so I didn't have to rush when the time came to move.
After a while my phone rings and I know it's Hope from the ringtone. We both had specific ringtones set for each other. I grab my phone and put It on speaker.

"Hey babes" I say

"Hi baby, how are you feeling today?" She asks

"Pretty good! How are you?" I ask

"Good to hear, I'm alright!" She says

"What are you up too?" I ask

"Not much, I have practice in about 2 hours and I was bored so I figured I'd give you a ring." She says

"Big game this weekend right?" I ask

"Yep, It should be a big one." She says

"I wish I could be there. I'll definitely be cheering you on from the tv." I say

"Well that doctor's appointment is more important then a game. I'd rather you be healthy and okay then to cheer me on." She says

"Yeah that's true." I say

"How are your headaches and dizzy spells? Any better?" She asks

"They are a bit better. They only happen if I move to quickly. I'm guessing the doctor will be able to shed more light on It once I see them." I say

"Well I wouldn't play soccer or do anything crazy until It clears up. It's not worth the risks."  She says

"Yeah for sure, hopefully we can get more answers soon." I say

"Well, I'm sure you're busy. I'm gonna go grab some lunch and then head to the stadium. I'll FaceTime you when I'm home." She says

"Sounds good, be safe. I love you." I say

"Thanks babes, you too! And I love you too." She says

She hangs up and you continue to do a bit more packing before deciding to take a beak. You turn on Grey's Anatomy and end up falling asleep.


So sorry for the lack of updates in this book, I've had severe writers block with this book for a super long time.

If you want anything to happen or have any ideas please feel free to comment and let me know! Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks again for all the support I've gotten! Not with just this book but with all my books. You guys are awesome! 💕

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