Revealing Demons

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She stared at the rusty metal. "This isn't me," Vaughn tries to convince herself, "this isn't who I am." She could feel the gasoline on her tongue and the flames in her eyes. There are somethings that you have to let be. The resistance is lost and her flesh curled away to the touch. Usually, she would flinch at the pain but this time she did neither.

With each drop of blood and each slice of her skin, she felt stronger. A strength that couldn't be learned in life lessons, a strength that every human being hoped to feel and understand. One day there will be more reasons to smile than there are reasons to cry, but not yet.

Just how do you tell a story about two people? How do you describe each emotion and each character? Addictions, fears, crushes and memories... Those are just some of the things that have to be described without giving out every bit of detail. Oh right, the story.

As the cold metal breaks her skin, her body released a sigh. Relief and tension were both escaping her body. The events of her day, hour, time and life were what drove her over the edge.

Every morning, the routine is the same for Vaughn. She goes to school, meet her friends (her only real friend at that) and they go through the day together. On one of those bad days, she arrived a little late.

Her friend Loraine was not at the front of the school where they usually meet. Vaughn went through most of the day without sight of her friend. At that point, she was worried and started to ask around for her.

"Have you seen Loraine?"

"I did, she's hanging out with these new kids." One of her peers answered.

Vaughn then felt sad. She knew they were going to break apart sometime right? As she walked down the hall, she saw Loraine with a groups of kids. She walked up to her with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey Lory, I haven't seen you all day. What's up?"

The group around the pale redhead Loraine snorted and asked spitefully, "Do you know this freak show?"

"No, she's probably lost or something." They all laughed in Vaughn's face. She thought it was a joke until Loraine stopped laughing and looked at her with pure hatred in her eyes.

"Get away from us creep," Was all she said before she turned her back to her and continued laughing with her new group as if Vaughn was not there.

Vaughn tried to hide the hurt she felt, she turned to walk away but someone pulled her around, someone released her tongue and she unleashed hell for Loraine.

"Hey!" She screamed at the group. "Loraine Danporte Dervinzel. Age sixteen. Mother is a crack head and father is in prison for child rape."

Loraine faced her with a petrified look in her eyes. "Vaughn, why?"

"Thought you didn't know me Lor, or is it crack baby? I've got secrets baby."

"Don't do this!" Loraine pleaded with tears welling in her eyes.

"Do what? Say that you wet the bed to this day? Or maybe you mean the one about your chlamydia that you gave to Ron Bradski? Could you possibly mean the time when you had sex with our math teacher Mr. O'Brien last year to maintain a Honor roll? Bitch." Vaughn walked away leaving the whole school baffled. They all shook their heads in dismay at Loraine, but most of all, out of disgust.

Vaughn rushed out of the school frustrated and embarrassed. Her so called best friend deserted her and made her do something she never ever wanted to do to a person. She pulled out a cigarette and some cocaine. After six puffs and six sniffs, her muscles began to relax. Vaughn also took out a blunt and inhaled the sensation of peace along with a breath of agony. She was calm now, it didn't bother her that she was betrayed by her closest friend, she was too high for that.

Two Demons in the dark (completed)Where stories live. Discover now