Demon help

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Vaughn have friends of course but she prefers to be totally alone. No one understands her neither does she understand herself. Her thoughts scream at her in anguish, and her voice becomes parched as she tries to control them. She cries every night, if not physically then mentally. She would like to think that she's strong even though no evidence supports that notion besides the fact that she's still alive except that she's still alive and bearing even more pain.

She lives in a mental world where there is always chaos between the woman and the seed. her own thoughts are her enemies and the indefinite structures of her brain are all fucked up and twisted. There's no law protecting her soul from being devoured by the ravenous beast she created with her imagination.

The blasting music protects her from her thoughts. Her knight and shining armor sings all her feelings and she feels herself melt away at the sound of his voice. The scars on her hand remind her of the things that have passed, her history no one would care to write down.

Everyday, she visits the mirror and try to convince herself of a commonly told lie. Her insecurities drown her in a pool of her very own misery.

All she wants to do more than anything is to make it all go away. She wants it all to come to an end. the voices, the laughs, the taunts, the torments, the abuse, everything. She has neither power nor will to go anymore. Vaughn is just a lost little sheep moving from cattle to cattle hoping to find a shepherd that would hold and caress her in his bosom.

Even though things weigh heavily on her mind, she takes a pen and paper. On the blank pieces of paper, she writes stories. These stories are about people of a distinct village, they are in search of a prophesied lost soul. They have been searching for generations but the soul could not be found. They abused themselves and each other because they were lost. They did not know what to do and they did not know who or what the lost soul was. the story was in bits and pieces but they all were somehow connected. They all somehow connected to her.

Naturally, English is her favorite subject. Her teacher Ms. Guff loved when she wrote poems for her class. However she had no idea what they were about most of the time. Every time she felt like asking Vaughn about the words and images she created with her imagination, she changes her mind. They could mean nothing or everything to the young writer but Ms. Guff hated asking her students about personal things and she felt that Vaughn's poetry must have been super personal.

Ms. Guff called Vaughn up to read her poem to the class. The assignment was to write a figurative poem about something or someone they felt strongly about. They had to use strong figurative speech and symbolism.

"The Little Black Book' by Vaughn Huage." She cleared her throat. "It sat there. It stared at me. It stared at me. It stared at my soul. It ate my words. Him and his friend together they taunted me. They showed me things I could never see on my own. My many demons excuse me, personalities; shouted what they thought and what they wanted. He didn't listen to them, he listened to me. I would go on for hours and he took down everything I had to say.

He took down every little thought."

"It just sat there smiling at me. It knew I wanted to take it up, that little black book. It mocked me with the ink on its pages and the words on its covers. So, I took it up. What was I going to do? I had no idea. I closed my eyes and for the first time in my life, I tried to feel. And I did. I felt! I didn't feel an emotion or a desire, I felt words. The pen took my brain and wrote things I had no control over." "I couldn't believe what I wrote. I didn't remember being a poet or a lyricist. They just came to me like the flood waters of a spring. The light of poetry and literary structure beamed within me. Now, I never chose to write in that little black book, and I didn't need to. It already chose me. My black book became full by the end of two weeks. Once again, my thoughts took over my heart. I was back at square one.

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