Lovely in blood

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They were happy for a while. They  had the dream life; just with each other. They had been together for a year and a half when they unveiled the animals that were caged in them. The beasts they hid from each other found a loophole; the contract they had with their minds overruled the desires of their hearts.

They were torn for a while., neither party had the strength to go on. Then, of course, love triumphs all. Love of what exactly? The love of hatred and the love of feeling unwanted. They never wanted their lives to become this complicated but who are we to decide our fate? Who are we to praise Aphrodite with the blood of our enemies? Her son Venus poisoned Cupid and intoxicated him with the essence of attraction: The keys to life.

Senior year was almost over for Marshall. The big event was fast approaching. He did not care about it until he fell in love with Vaughn. One girl, four letters. Prom was the highlight of senior year. He did not want to be with anyone else in the world. He did not want anyone else in the world. He knew that Vaughn was not too crazy about social events, so it was probably going to take a lot for him to convince her to go with him. He loved her, but he could not tell her. If he did, he knows that he would be lying because love is a far weaker emotion than what he feels when he is around her. Going to prom is one issue but asking Vaughn is a totally different matter. They recently fought and he discovered that their angry personalities might get in the way of their relationship.

Guillermo was doing better, he was still in and out of the hospital though. By the end of the year, Marshall planned to get a new apartment for him and his family. He despised the neighborhood they lived in. Vaughn found him a decent job that was willing to hire him full time after he graduates. Marshall didn't have it all figured out, but he had a plan.

A huge part of the plan was all about Vaughn. They would date for a few more years and see where things go from there. They were no doubt in love but that was both good and bad. Marshall knew from the moment they met that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He also knew that it wouldn't be as easy as it might have been but so far, there was nothing he couldn't handle. There is nothing his life that came for free, everything had a price that he was willing to pay.

That night, Marshall had dinner with Vaughn. He wanted to ask her to prom but the butterflies in his stomach became barbed wires in his throat.

Marshall took her hand in his and looked deeply into her eyes. In that moment he thought she was the perfect girl. The words on his heart did not reach his lips, the story of his brain did not escape his tongue. As he attempted to speak, his lips began to tremble and his body quivered.

"As long as I've known you, been with you, dated you, you have been nothing short of perfect. You bring out the most amazing and crazy things in me that I had no idea existed. I know it may seem as if the world is crumbling beneath our feet but I think that we got this. What I really am trying to say is..." Instinctively, he pulled her hips a bit closer to his torso, then he tightened the grip of his hand. "I want- wait, no. I need you to go to my prom with me."

He had no idea that Vaughn was dying to hear the invitation from him. She does not know why, but she holds back what she feels from him sometimes. She had no idea he was scheming to ask her and he was pulling his hair out trying to figure out how to do so. Every kiss, every touch, and every smile was earned from Vaughn. Even though it was kind of too late, she did not want to fall too hard or too fast for Marshall. Instead of giving the reaction she wanted to give, she simply stated; "Sure."

Inside she winced and on the outside she shrugged. He doesn't have to know  was all her body whispered in her ear.

Though it may seem like it was yesterday, prom was already there. Marshall had a white tuxedo with a royal red tie that resembled fresh blood. His almost caramel eyes glistened at the first sight of light, his wavy deep black hair shined with gel and moose. This was the night that he proves that he was ready to be an adult. This is the only time that his appearance and his behavior was all he had. There was no turning back.

Two Demons in the dark (completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ