Two demons and a choice.

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No longer have excuses for my mistakes or wrongs
I'm sorry for the wait to do right
I know it took to long,
Living with this guilt that is corrupting my heart
I've been living with regret ever since the very start,
My only problem is even when I try to do good,
I fail I need a hero to find me and to free me from this hell
Try to look up but life pushing my head down
Depression killed my smile now I'm stuck with this dead frown Trying to live pass all of my reckless mistakes
But the more I try it just gives me more wrongs that were made.

Someone once said, if you give humans the right to choose they still choose wrong. That must be right, because we chose life and it sucks. How do we turn away from sins we helped to create? Can you choose a choice that is no longer an option?

As humans, when we're out of our wits, we go out of our way to make everything right again. As for love, we would rather lose it all to not go through the same pain ever again. Over time... We see that fear is what makes the world go around. And love? Love is another word for fear and another excuse to hide. So is tragedy. But pain is a synonym for strength, "He who holds it knows it." When you discover love, you just may be lying in a hospital with the person you love either on the bed or beside it. Kind of like how my brother was.

After Vaughn went to the hospital, Marshall cried. He knew that she lost someone she cared about but he would have never dreamed it to be his father. It turns out that they have more in common than he thought.

That was the week that the truth came out. I was not really his brother, he was my hero. He saved me and he kept me as his own flesh and blood. I could never repay him for all he did for us growing up. As for the love of his life, she was awake for a while and wanted to see him.

"Marshall, I love you. I loved CJ and I love Guillermo. Thank you guys so much."

"Hey," Marshall laughed through his sobs. "Was that so hard? Saying that you love me?"

"I guess not." Her voice became faint and her breaths sharpened. "Don't forget that. I'm sorry for this."

"You'll be fine. Just please. Please be fine. You never have to cut again..." He held her hand to his lips and kissed her. Looking in her eyes he said, "It's really my fault. I should have been more sensitive to your feelings."

"Marshall don't-"

"-Marry me. To make everything right. Marry me Vaughn."

She held his face and pressed his lips to hers. Without opening her eyes, she said, "I will follow you blindly wherever you go. I will marry you."

Vaughn laid in the bed and the doctors ordered us out to let her get some rest. Marshall got Meghan's ring and placed it on Vaughn's finger before she fell asleep.

"Stay forever with me." He said to her.

"They say your love is forever your forever is all that I need." - Sleeping With Sirens.

Meghan, Marshall, and I walked out of the hospital holding hands. The past few years have been hell. First, Meghan's divorce, our legal adoption, my cancer, Marshall's first love. After all this time, we were becoming a family.

Months passed and we couldn't see Vaughn. Because Marshall was her fiance, he got to see her for ten minutes a day. They were doing intense medical procedures and exposure could kill her. They said that her white blood cells were low and she couldn't even breathe on her own. After some time, they induced her to a coma. Marshall went to see her everyday and cried for her every night. He relapsed into drugs a few times but he kept his mind on her. He graduated and got a great job as a consultant for a law firm.

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