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At some point or another, I'm very sure you've done something that you regret. If your past was to come back, would it make you or break you? If your answer was that it would break you, you are probably one bad ass. That is almost never a good thing considering where Vaughn came from. Her past would destroy her.

Vaughn started out violently at a young age because of the painful memories instilled in her brain. She had quiet a bit of "run ins," if you will, with the law. Vaughn even inherited a golden necklace from a (now dead) popular drug lord. Inside the locket says "We were born lawless. I shall die running. I shall die lawless." That was true from the day she received it onward. But, as I mentioned, this is all about blood consuming, mind blowing, nerve wrecking, depth defying guilt.

"There's no heaven for me. Definitely not. I was born to sin. I can't make it. I can't take it" Vaughn knows what she did and that memory is what burns her soul. The things that she did just brings her closer to the belief that the "sanctuary in the skies" doesn't exist. At least for her. Heaven is a lie.

"There ain't no heaven, only hell. We all got devil's, stories to tell...If heaven is a joke then god is a lie, then I'm praying to something fake... The greatest trick that the devil ever told was proving that he (god) don't exist... On the day that I die, my headstone will say  god forgives, but not me. Too many sins no apologies'"-Ronnie Radke

There is no way to know that this, or anything is real. The thought of giving up hope and all reasoning to stay alive in this world of agony and pain are becoming vague and more so faint. "Just give in" her body aches.

"Why give up, why give in? It's not enough it never ends. So I will go on until the end. I've lost my way, I've lost my will..."-Breaking Benjamin

Now, back to the good stuff.

One day Vaughn went to 'Drug City Central.' You'd be stupid not to know what she went to do there. At the age of eight, she found drugs. Pills, Mollies, Methane, Cocaine, Weed... You name it, she's done it. Those are her escape. She was also selling drugs for the famous drug lord Juan Carlos Pena Delavega. No one knew for sure who he was because there were many guys that worked for him that called themselves by the same name to protect their "heaven sent" leader. He was "famous" as in he's on every wanted list in the world . The Colombian drug lord is the most chased person in the world and they have yet to find him. The funniest part of the whole scenario is that he's not even hiding! He passes the police station every single day and night, raising a family nearby and is operating in the open.

One of the "Juan Carlos" wanna-be, walked up to Vaughn and tenderly kissed her on the cheek. "Vaughnie baby, what'cha doing here without police escort my love?"

"I forgot to bring the SWAT team today. They got cop things to deal with." Ironically, they joke all the time about the police. The most wanted man has been under their noses for most of his life and they have yet to find him.

"Juan, I heard we have some big fish to fry, is that so?"

"Amen, couldn't have said it better. This right here is payday." He placed a hand on her shoulder and led her to the corner where the deal would start. "Good to see you out tonight kid," he informed her formally, "you's good people. Boss trusts you more than he trust himself or anyone else."

"I wouldn't miss this for the world and the boss is who sent me here. I'm the heiress to this throne." They were standing in a dark alley way beside an old burned down pizza shop that became their "spot" over the years for deals and drugs.

"Where's Geese?" Vaughn inquired. Geese was one of the younger more mature operation "hand" that Juan Carlos ever hired. She personally loathed Geese but there was something about him that made Juan Carlos like him off the bat. All the men and women that they've dealt with and worked with hated Geese, there was something about the little squirm they didn't like.

Two Demons in the dark (completed)Where stories live. Discover now