Becoming friends

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"Hey Free?"

"Mmm?" Free acknowledged your presence with a hum, still looking ahead of him towards the deer at the edge of the forest.

"Would you consider the two of us as friends?" You wondered out loud, leaning you head on the palm of your hand tiredly. You could feel the yawn burn the back of your throat before you had actually opened your mouth, yawning.

"Yeah, I guess. Why?"


"You sound more tired than usual, did a ghost hunt you or something?"

"Well, I'm roomed with Silas and Cuza. Between the two of them... I'm not getting much sleep. I'd rather my room be in a nicer place, especially since I need a calmer aura for my work."

"Huh. So your going to ask me if I can ask Chris if you could change rooms, aren't you?"

You reached behind your head, scratching it slightly. "Already did. All of the rooms are taken at the moment. Though it'd be nice to room with someone calmer."

"Is this your hinting, then? Just say that you want to room with me. Jeez beating around the bush is so stupid.'

You glared at him.

"Oh I'm so sorry that your flat ass can't take a bit of-"

"I'll ask her. Go pack up your shit."


"Because I already know she'll say yes."

And just like that, you had a slight friendship, you think??? And had a room with him. That night, it was so much more calmer.

You had thought he was asleep on his bed, until he rolled over to peer at you from across the room, yawning.

"Wow. You really weren't kidding, huh? You work late."

Reading over another packet Trad sent over, you nodded, signing it. You took care of everything he couldn't get too. Most of the time it was packets of paper you have to read through and mark.

"Yeah... I need this done by tomorrow-"

"It's three am. Just go to sleep your obviously tired."


Free frowned, you were so tired today, you couldn't even snap back at him. And everytime he'd hear you try, it was a horrible comeback.

And comebacks were your thing.

"I'm being serious. As your friend or whatever you want to call me-"

"A walking boner, retarded seal, flat ass, deer whisperer-"

"YOU need to go to bed.' Free stood up, making his way across to your side of the room. He pulled you away from your desk, and you smacked him away, waving your hand.

So, like the great friend he is, he picked the chair up with you still sitting in it, and threw it and you on your bed.

"Free! What the fuck!?'

"Your going to thank me in the morning."

"Fuck you!"

Free looked over not even five minutes later to see you, still in the bed, laying on the tipped over chair, completely passed out.

"Wow. What a mess."

He stood up again, groaning and removed the chair from your body. He threw the blanket over your body, and collapsed back on his bed, passing out.

𝓟𝓾𝓫𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓭 𝓸𝓷 10/23/21
𝓔𝓭𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓸𝓷:

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