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A/N Welp I'm back so yah hope u like this chapter it's dedicated to..... Laura_frances she is awesome so follow her just cuz ! Well so sorry it took so long to post this update really sorry but I had a lot of school stuff to do since I'm in the musical and yah... Enough about me let's get to the story.


As I heard the scream I twirled around letting my white hair fall on my face. I looked back to see the worry on Jack's face.

"Stop don't run"I whispered but no sound can out of my mouth. Jack ran towards the screaming. I ran after him racing up the hidden path. Then right before my eyes ice appeared causing me to slip. I looked up to see Jasmine frozen in a block of ice and Jack lay still on the ground. Finally in the distance Maria was freezing everyone insight. She hasn't seen you yet. You're safe. You can leave now Maria won't find you.... NO I have to stay these are my friends. I finally decided it didn't matter wether I was safe or not. All that mattered right now was keeping this village safe. So I ran up the path passing frozen villager after frozen villager. Finally I reached a cliff so I could Maria could see me.

"Maria, stop, it's not their fault you were left behind, my mother died...... and my father didn't even know you existed please. We can live together we can be sisters. All you need to do is restore my powers."

"Hahaha. You don't you get it? I knew your mom was dead, in fact I was the one who killed her. "said Maria. I stood shocked as if i was frozen to the ground. My palms became bright red I was about to lose it.
"Don't play games Maria. You needed my mother." I said as sparks flew from my hands.Maria whipped back her straight white hair and gave me a small frown.
"Oh poor Sylvia, don't you get it. Your mom was the only one who could stop me from getting rid of you. So I had to make the sacrifice of putting poison in her tea until the day she died." Finally my eyes grew bright red and my palms were on fire. The I screamed throwing fire ball after fire ball at Maria. Not even her ice walls were strong enough to hold me back. Finally my knees started to weaken and with my last fiery breath I hit a fire straight through Maria's heart. Since she was made of cold bitter snow she melted leaving the ice magic for my taking. As quickly as I could I unfroze everyone starting with Blossom and ending with Jack. Once I unfroze Jack I waited for him to wake up. I waited for what seemed like a day, in which I did. Jack was gone he was no longer with me. Only Blossom and Vi survived all the others gone along with Jack hopelessly lost in an endless sleep.

Ever After High Sylvia of ArendelleWhere stories live. Discover now