❄️❄️true love❄️❄️

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A/N if u guys didn't know I'm officially a six year old orphan named Molly! I really short so if u haven't checked my post board then welp I'm sad. So yah I'm happy! I just had a mood swing not really but I don't care! So this will be my last update probably
I looked at the face attached to the hand holding me about a millimetre away from the ground. He hand white hair and sparkling blue eyes. I smiled as I looked at myself in his eyes I was a new person I belonged here.
"You know the windows to a person's soul are their eyes",he said,"I'm Jack, well my real name is Jackson Dirby but now I'm just Jack"
"How did you get your name?"
"The name Jack? Oh I was born with it when I found my way down here they never bothered to change it"
"I'm Atar-"
"No what's your real name what do you think your name should be. One thing I've learned from here is that they can't protect you from the outside world forever. " then he brushed away part of his crystal clear white bangs. I saw red blood this blood was more red them pm Lenard's blood it was so dark and the cut was so deep. I closed my mouth and let one tear fall down on to the floor. Then another and another and another. Then Jack leaned down so a tear could fall on his cut. He flinched. Then a blue light shone over the cut as I watched it disappear. I felt my checks turn red and my smile widen. I was in love. Then suddenly the sharp pain which felt like I hadn't felt for year returned making Jack pulled pull me into his arms while I shivered ferociously and screamed. He leaned in whispering what sounded like a chant into my ear. Then the next thing I knew my eyes we closed. I wasn't asleep but I couldn't move anything. I sat in darkness. It felt like a night without dreams a day without the sun an ocean with no water. I was in a trance frightened afraid that if I had one vision my world would collapse. I tried desperately to keep my brain preoccupied. But bring me I found a way to envision Jack on last time before the hurricane of pain struck again waking from my sleep in Jacks arms cuddled next to a small fire. His eyes opened he smiled and pulled me tighter. I wish everyday could be like this.

Ever After High Sylvia of ArendelleWhere stories live. Discover now