Confonting Grimm

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A/N Hey guys how's life I know I haven't updated in a long time sooo sorry about that. This chapter is dedicated to :PiaAlessandraDancer


I woke up in my room everyone stared at me.

"Is it true?", said Raven.

I stood still. I was going to find out the truth right then right there. I walked out of the room in my fuzzy bunny slippers with my snow flake top and striped pants. I was going to Grimm's room.

❄️❄️❄️mini time span❄️❄️❄️

It was midnight Raven,Ash,Maddie,Mel,Em,and I stood in front of Grimm's door.

"Guys I have to do this alone stay out here"

The door was locked. I froze the lock. I'm the middle of the room was a giant bed and next to me was a dresser with a picture of Celeste and me.


"What,who is this?"

"It's me Headmaster, or should I say dad"

"Sylvia I can explain"

"Who was she"

"This isn't the time Sylvia" My ice grew around Grimm as he stood up from his bed.

"She was my best friend" I felt my grip loosen. I let him go. Grimm walked over to his closet and pressed a button revealing a shrine for Celeste. The last picture was a picture of all of us together.

"Please come sit and let me explain"


Hi guys again so here is our topic so plz tell me about the most annoying thing a teacher has done to you. I have a couple things:

1. In 5th grade my teacher literally told me to shut up in front of the whole bus

2. My 3rd grade teacher made us sit on the black top using up our class time which is also her class time and at the end of the day she call all our parents on how rude we were for wasting our time even though this happened when we were in Spanish class

3. Today my theatre teacher yelled at me for using my Mac even though she had given me permission 5 minutes ago

So guys if I think urs is the most annoying I'll add one of ur books to my reading list and follow u

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