The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck - Part 2

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Its night time now in Duckburg and the moon is partially covered in a dark shadow, because of the approaching lunar eclipse that will appear in about 8 days and everyone sleeps soundly in their rooms. Scrooge sleeps and snores peacefully but unbeknownst to him Lena has just snuck into his room after using her magic to heal herself from her wounds and bruises she got from Magica's brutal torture. She carefully closes the door and looks at Scrooge with a sad expression. She holds a glowing crystal dagger by her side, regretting what she's about to do.

Lena: Louie, Webby, I'm sorry.

Magica comes out and looms above Scrooge laughing excitedly and maniacally as she thinks more and more about her revenge.

Lena: Could you stop! That's really annoying!

Lena was on the bed glaring at her aunt, annoyed by her repulsive laugh. Magica becomes just as annoyed with her niece's rudeness. Lena grabs the dime pendent and holds up her crystal daggers. She carefully starts cutting the wire so the dime can come off safely without alerting Scrooge only to be scolded by her aunt again.

Magica: You're really annoying. I give you one simple task!

Lena: Simple!? What about this is simple!?

Magica reappears by the wall pointing at Lena and playing shadow puppets again as the teen duck struggles to cut the wire.

Magica: All you had to do is pose as the pink one's friend, gain her trust, gain the trust of the red, blue and green ones, get invited to a series of sleepovers, forge a Vesuvian Diamond Dagger that will cut through anything, sneak into Scrooge's room as he sleeps to enact my grim revenge-!

Lena: Lena is getting increasingly more annoyed with her aunt's constant babble about revenge. And cut loose Scrooge's Number One Dime without him waking up while you yell at me the whole time!

Scrooge twists his body, still in a peaceful sleep. Lena continues to cut the dime loose while Magica continues her rant.

Magica: I'm not yelling, I'm whispering harshly! You want your freedom, you do as I order!

Lena: Lena points the dagger angrily at her aunt, much to Magica's shock. I'm not your puppet! You really want to hurt Scrooge, be my guest!

Magica floats right near his nemesis.

Magica: I would love to but…

She tries to claw at Scrooge but her arms phase through him. It seems Scrooge's magical defences have give him protection from Magica's attempts to destroy him as Lena's shadow. The shadow witch groans in dismay.

Magica: I miss carnage. A wolf howls and Magica spots the eclipse approaching. Quickly! The Lunar Eclipse is coming in 8 days! With it my power grows but it's futile without the dime!

Lena: Would you just quiet down we don't wanna get caught-!

Too late! The door opens behind and Magica goes into hiding while Lena could only sit there in shock as she hears the voice of the last person she wanted to find her in here.

Webby: Lena? What are you doing?

Webby looks at her best friend in surprise and Lena quickly hides the dagger with a look of shock on her face, unable to know how to deal with this.

Lena: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

20 seconds later Lena is still making the same sounds as Webby stares her suspiciously. Lena climbs down the bed in hopes of making up a story but the girls gasp in shock when they hear the old man mumbling. Not wanting the both of them to get caught Lena grabs Webby's hand and together they run out at just second. Scrooge bolts up with yell and his hand on his chest. He notices his dime not there and realizes his pendant has been twisted around. When he grabs the dime and takes a good look at it he immediately becomes suspicious.

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