The Ultimate Clash of Mages Part 3

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Donald has just once again unleashed his true power after Magica brutally breaks Daisy's arm but no one notices that something is off. The kids are so amazed Webby doesn't notice it looks a little weaker than when he fought Merlock and it certainly isn't anything like the massive power he unleashed at Hades.

Kingdom Hearts BBS (Vs Master Xehanort and Vanitas Theme)

Party Members:

Donald Duck

Information: Defeat Magica De Spell!

Donald charges off like a rocket towards the witch swirling with electricity and his eyes glow electric blue.


When he gets within range Magica delivers a punch to the face but to her great shock, Donald isn't affected at all and it just prompts him to deliver a stronger and electrifying punch to her face followed by a kick to the chin that makes her scream in pain. Soon Donald is delivering more rapid blows that make Magica real back in pain. He violently shouts as he launches a kick to the stomach that sends Magica flying and screaming in pain as gold erupts from the floor.

The kids are absolutely amazed at this sight and Webby is in shock to see Donald use this power again.


Louie: I can't believe he's been able to do cool stuff like this before without us even knowing!

Huey: Let her have it Uncle Donald!

Donald blasts off once again, summoning Save the Queen and rapidly bashing, punching and kicking Magica like a maniac before she sends him flying up. Donald takes flight and his staff glows with electricity.


*He unleashes a massive blast of lightning from his staff that explodes on Magica, covering her area in a cloud of smoke as Donald pants from releasing so much energy. There was no possible way that anyone could survive a blast like that at close range. But to Donald's great fear and horror the smoke disappears to reveal Magica had just one hand outstretched to form a barrier that shielded her from the blast. All of a sudden the fear she felt before is gone now.8

Magica: Phew. That was close. For a few seconds there I was actually afraid. Donald trembles in complete disbelief. For a minute there, I thought you had actually done it. You became the only mage on this planet I would ever fear. But it looks like I have nothing to worry about since you're only able to access 20% of your true power.

Donald: 20%?! You mean; that's all I'm using right now! That can't be!

Magica: I'm afraid it is Donnie. You don't understand the secrets and full extent of your power as the Mage of Thunder. With the primitive level of understanding you have now you can only use a fraction of your power and at this state it's no threat to me.

Donald: Donald remembers what happened to Daisy and his fear turns to rage. OH YEAH! I don't care how much of my power I'm able to use or not! I'll still use it to give you the beating you deserve you witch! You're gonna pay for what you've just DONE!

Donald crackles with electricity and his eyes continue to glow with power as he glares at Magica who continues to smile in amusement. Donald blasts off and so does Magica with her Necrosword and they both give battle cries before clashing their weapons and creating an electrical explosion

While Magica is distracted Huey drops down from his pile of gold onto his face, Webby wobbles as she walks over towards, Dewey and Louie clutch their stomach and shoulder as they struggle to make their way to the injured Lady-in-waiting.

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