The boy who wanted power

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People aren't born equal. I learned that from a young age. The world is harsh and cruel to the ones who have no power.the ones with power called quirk's step on the quirk less.

                   4 year old Izuku

"Deku you should just give up, you shouldn't even try to be a hero" said a blonde boy. Sparks flu of his hands empissing that he met his words.
"Why Kacchan, you are my friend, but why you say mean things to me" said a boy with green and black hair.

"Your useless, that's why Deku" Kacchan said with a pride full voice
"I'm bord now, I'm leaving" Kacchan turned his back to Deku and walkaway.

Deku just stood there silently crying. All the people around didn't pay attention to them or didn't care. Deku just walk away fleeing down at the world. Deku saw a hero on his way back to his house. He ran over to the hero with the biggest smile he had in a while. The hero saw the young boy run up to him.
Good god I hate to have to deal with fans. This is why I don't like the media. Thought a man with long black hair, a scarf around his neck. The man look like he hasn't slept in awhile.

Deku ran up to the hero.
"Eraser head can I get your auto graph" said Deku.
The hero now named Eraser head looked at the young child with a confused look in his eyes. Eraser head had a face that didn't change as he heard that the little kid know who he was.
How the hell does this kid know who I am. I try to not get attention from the media, but this kid knows me. Eraser head thought with a shit eating grin. "Sure kid but can I ask you a question" asked Eraser head.

"Yeah, what is it" Deku asked with confirmation present on his face. Eraser head took a deep breath in and asked the young boy " how do you know who I am" he looked at him  hoping he had a answer for him.
"Well you are one of my favorite heroes, and you fight basically quirk less. Because of that you inspire me to be a hero" said Deku.

"Wait are you quirk less" asked Eraser head with a confused look. The little boy just looked down at the ground hoping one of his favorite heroes wouldn't be like Kacchan. After a couple of second wanted by, but to Deku it fleet like a internally.

Did I say something wrong. Thought Eraser head. Finally Deku spoke " yes I am, but I want to be a hero like you or All might". The hero that stood in front of the little boy was visibility shocked at his words. It took a moment for the hero to talk. "If you want to be a hero you need to train hard to keep up with the hero's and villains" said Eraser head. With that said Deku had the smile ever and said " ok I will train as hard as I can".

                   10 years later

A door opens as a teacher walked through. All the students looked at the their teacher as he reached a poledum at the front of the classroom. The teacher pull some papers form his bag and looked at the class. " Today we are doing planning on what high school you want to go" he said with a series look " how am I kidding you all want to go to the hero course" as he said that he thought the papers in air.

"Don't lump me in with theses losses teach" said a explosive blond how has a big ego.
  " Oh yes Bakugo you are going to try to get in the UA's hero course" said the teacher.
"Doesn't UA have 0.2 acceptance rate" said a random student.
"I have ace all the mocked testes so I will get in"said Bakugo.

Please don't tell Kacchan. He will surly be mad. Thought Izuku.
"Yes, yes Bakugo you have strate A's and you are the most likely to get in. Get off your desk, and how did I not notice it before" said the teacher with the last part in his head. The teacher look though the papers  to see one other person who wants to go to UA.
"Ha ha ha ha ha, Izuku you want to go to UA's hero course" laughed the teacher, which laugh as well. Bakugo just got up and walked over to Izuku with a pissed off look.

Bakugo got in fort of Izuku's desk with explosions in hand and a pissed off face.
"Deku " Bakugo yelled at Izuku exploding his desk to bits. Izuku back up to the wall out for fear.
"Deku, don't you dare to join UA or else. Don't look down on me you bastard" yelled Bakugo thughing a expansion at Izuku but missed by a inch.
"Bakugo, go set down"said that dumb ass teacher.

The bell rang, Izuku jump up and got his bag and ran out of the classroom. His phone rang that scared the shit out of him.
"Hello, mom what do you need" asked Izuku.
"Can you get groceries for tonight's dinner" said his mom.

                Somewhere else

"Ha ha ha, you can't catch me" laughed a sludge villain.
"Someone stop him" said a store worker. Two men just watched the villain ran by with money going everywhere.
"Where's a hero when you need them" said the first guy. As he said that a man walk out of a grocery store bags in hand. This man heard the two men talking. The man behind the two had steam rolling of his body.

The man started to get bigger, his hear started to stand up.
"Ha ha ha, have no fear, why because I am here" a booming voice said. The two me turned around to see All might in civilian clothes. The last thing they saw was All might zoom of after the villain.

After a chases All might get him. As he was jumping to the police station but dropping the villain. The villain dropped in a back alley.
"What does that Deku think he is, I'm the only one from our shity school that will get into UA" complain Bakugo.
"Don't worry about him Bakugo. What can a quirk less fuck do, piss himself when he is in danger." Said lackly one.

"Ah ah ah, Deku should just give up"  said Bakugo. As he said that he kick the bottle the contained the villain. When the bottle hit the wall of the alley. The burst open to let villain out. As the villain stood up to two luckily  piss themselves.
"Haha, you will make a good meat suit" laugh the sludge villain. The villain jumped on Bakugo.

                      Back to Izuku

Izuku just walk out of a grocery store and he heard a boom. What was that I should check it out. Thought Izuku as he started to run in the direction of the blast. The more he ran to the place where the booms were coming they got louder every stride he took. Izuku came to a stop  as he saw a huge crowd in fort of a shopping street.

"What's going on here?" asked Izuku to a random person.
"A villain attack, and he has a kid as a hostage" said the man. Izuku pushed through the crowd to see Bakugo being strangled by the sludge villain. What Bakugo. Why are you there. Izuku thought then he saw his eyes of complete fear, and asking for help. Izuku held his mouth anger bliuding up that the fact that he couldn't help.

I want power to help him, to save him. Izuku thought. His anger get to the point to where a green geam  appeared on his left hand. Izuku walk forward to the dismay of the hero's on the scene. The geam on his left hand glowed a emerald green. A red peace of armor on his left hand only on his back of his hand two yellow spikes  coming from it. Boost yelled the green geam. Izuku body power doubled his strength. He speed forward and grab Bakugo and tossed him to the heros. Boost was yelled again double his power again.

Izuku cock back his fist and puch the villain splattering the villain all over the wall. All the witness that fight hear Izuku pent. One of the by standers had red hair, blue eyes, and a girl.

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