Girls Girls Girls

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A girl with red hair, blue eyes, and a bust size greater than midnight. She was surprised at the boy who fight the villain and boosted twice. Then something happen that no one will ever thought.
"You damn Deku" yelled Bakugo with venom in his voice. Izuku turn his head to look at him.

The crowd was shocked, the boy that was save mad at someone who saved him. The look on the heros faces were one of mad to confusion.
"I ever want to be saved  by someone like you worthless Deku." As Bakugo yelled again.
"What" said Izuku a little scared. Then out of nowhere Bakugo charged at Izuku. Bakugo round house kick him then a right hock him.

As the heros got their composure back and restang Bakugo. Izuku pass out do to exhaustion. The hero's restarted  Bakugo from attacking Izuku and hurting him more.

Izuku awoken in his bed how he  got their was unknown to him. All that he knew was that it was Saturday which meat no school.
I need somewhere to train with what ever I used yesterday. From what I remember that the armor said boost twice. Then after the armor disappear I fleet very tired. Dose the armor go of strength or stamina. Wonder Izuku.

Wail Izuku was last in thought a green hair woman open the door to his room.
"Izuku" was the only thing she said before water came pouring out of her eyes as she ran over to Izuku and embrace him.
"Mom wh" Izuku was cut off.
"Do you know how wired I was to watch the news to see you raining into danger" said Izuku's mom know as Inko.

"I'm sorry mom, my body moved on it's own" said Izuku.
"Ok, but don't do that again" said Inko. Izuku only nodded not saying a word.  After the talk with his mom Izuku went on his computer to find some where to train. Hours a pouened hours of searching, he found a beach that was named Takoba beach.
"Man that beach is a dumb. People dump trash their legally" said Izuku to himself. "God damn it's 9 o'clock already. Time for bed." As the was said Izuku fell asleep.

The next morning Izuku went to Takoba beach to start training. As Izuku got their he couldn't believe that people did this. Izuku walk down the stairs to the beach.
"Ok, how did I activate the armor the first time. Dose it have any action for it" question Izuku. As he said that the armor appeared.
"So all I need to do is just think of the armor appearing then it will appear. Wow that's useful, now for the next part how  do I make it go away" said Izuku at the moment he said go away it went away.

The face of Izuku was one of confusion.
"So if I wanted the armor it appears and if I want the armor go away it goes away" Izuku said fill of confidence of what he found out.
"Now time to train my strength and stamina" Izuku said. Without Izuku knowing a girl with white hair was watching him train wail eating ice cream. As she was watching she got up a disappear.

                Somewhere else

The white hair girl appeared in a room that is dimly lit. The room consisted of a coffee table with two coaches on the two long sides of the table in the middle of the room. A desk was in the back of the room. A red hair woman sat behind the desk occupancy with a woman with black hair the easy went to her ass.
"Koneko, what have you found out about the boy" said the red hair woman.
"Rias he has figured out how to activate his secret gear." said Koneko.

The look on Rias face was one of wonder.
"Just keep flowing him for now" said Rias.

Two weeks have passed since Izuku finger out how to activate his gauntlet. He was able to boost two more times.
Now I can boost myself 4 time's before I get to tired. Thought Izuku. Well it's getting late I guess I should head home now.

Izuku walk half way home. As he was walking over a overpass a girl stopped him.
"Excuse me, but are you Izuku m
Midoriya" said the girl with a blush smeared all over her face.
"Y-y-yes, why do you need me" said Izuku blushing mess.
"Will you be my boyfriend" she said looking to the side. Izuku face turned red.

"S-s-sure" was the only thing Izuku said.
"This Sunday we will go out" she said "oh by the way my name is Yuuma Amano". As that was said she left.
"But aren't that tomorrow" Izuku said to himself. Walk went own way home thinking about what the two of them will be doing tomorrow. As Izuku walk out of sight the same white hair girl who has been fallowing Izuku for two weeks. She watch Izuku walk out of sight eating candy.

The next morning came as fast as light.
"I hope today goes well" said Izuku putting a green shirt on that said plus ultra. His pants were just blue jeans.
"Wait, did she said a place to meet. Well if she found me once, then she will found me again" said Izuku.

              Later at the mall

Izuku was setting on a bench looking at hero news. A woman wearing a demon cosplay walking up to Izuku.
"Here take a flier" she said.
"Ok" Izuku said, she walked away he just stuffed the flier I'm his pocket.
"Oh you actually come" said a girl. Izuku got up and turned around to see Yuuma.
"Y-y-yeah" was the only he said. All day they spent together. As the day was coming to a end. The two walked side by side. Izuku made a move, he held Yuuma hand.

Yuuma ran ahead.
"Izuku will you die for me" Yuuma said with sadistic smile.
What is this feeling. Thought Izuku. He just activate his gauntlet. Boost yelled from the gauntlet. Yuuma had a shock face.
How the hell did this kid actually activate his secret gear. Thought Yuuma. Boost was yelled again.

The next thing she know Izuku charged at her. Yuuma barely dodged a punch to the face. But she got a hit in the stomach. Saliva came from her mouth. Boost yelled again for the third time. This time Yuuma got a kick to the face. She got set flying into a tree. She stood up and created a light spear. Then she throw the spear of light at Izuku. The spear went through his leg.

Boost for the final time for now.
"I will be back to end you" said Yuuma.
Izuku was left there bleeding form his wound. Then out of nowhere a red hair woman, with blue eyes walk towards Izuku.
"Will you live for me" that was the last thing Izuku heard before passing out.

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