Hells bells

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Izuku woke up in his bed remembering what happened from last night even the last thing before he past out.
"How did I get my bedroom, and who was the girl" Izuku said putting his hand on his head. Izuku look at his clock
"Shit I'm going to be late for school" Izuku scramble to his to get ready.
As he was ready he ran out the door to his school.

The day was like any other day. Bakugo telling Izuku to kill himself and his daily dos of a betting. The only thing that happened was his will to be a hero as become unbreakable. Izuku was walking home he found himself where his fight was yesterday.
"Did I walk here subconsciously" said Izuku. A black father fall in fort of him. Izuku's instincts tock over, he jumped back as a light spear landed where he just was.

"How unfortunate for you, that you ran into me. My name is Dohnassek" said a man to look like he was middle age. He has black hair and dark blue eyes, with black angle wings to boot.
"I don't sans your peerage anywhere, so that means you're a stray." said Dohnassek.
"Wait what do you mean by peerage and stray, look I just got attack here last night and got stabbed in my leg. And this morning the stab wound was gone" said Izuku truly confused.

"Wait you don't know nothing" said Dohnassek as he looked in Izuku eyes he could tell that he wasn't laying.
"Yeah all I know is I have this, I don't know what it is. Is it a quirk or not" said Izuku showing off his armor. Dohnassek widen his eyes at this.
"My boy that is not a quirk as you said it. That armor on your hand is know as a twice critical, but I feel their is more to it then what meets the eye" said Dohnassek.

"You know what this is. Can you teach me then" said Izuku with a smile.
"Ok then I will" said Dohnassek roubing the back of his head.
"Ok meet me here" said Izuku writing down the location of where his training spot is and what time.

                    The next Day
The bell rang to let everyone know that the day was done.
"Excuse me but has anyone seen Izuku Midoriya" said a blond hair boy how just walk into the classroom. To say the intirer class was shocked was a understatement.
"Yeah I'm right here" said Izuku standing up.
"I was told to come and get you. Just follow me" said the blond boy.
"Ok but I hope it won't take long I have to be" said Izuku.

The two walk for about 30 minutes before they got to where they needed.
"Wait why are we at UA" question Izuku.
"We won't be going in the school it's self but the public area" said the boy. The two walk for another 3 minutes. As they got to the place they needed it looked like a old mansion, but it was a old school building.

The two hasn't talked what so ever since the classroom. As the two get ta a big door that said orc on it. The blond hair boy knocked on the door.
"I have brought him" said the boy.
"Ok come in" said a female voice. The boy open the door. Izuku saw a white hair girl eating candy. A red hair woman and a black hair woman behind the red head behind the desk.

"Welcome, please set down" said the red hair woman wearing a UA uniform. Now that he looked the girl behind the red hair is also wearing the same thing.
"Izuku Midoriya, I'm Rias Gremory and I am a devil" said the the red hair woman.
"Ok, so what. Wait if she is a devil will she have a quirk or some other powers" said Izuku. Everyone just dead paned at Izuku talking to himself.

"Well you are not surprised at me being a devil" said Rias.
"Oh, ah I'm friends with a fallen I meet them before I know you so" said Izuku.
"Ok do you know what you have" said Rias.
"Oh ah, a thing called a secret gear, the type is twice critical" said Izuku once again everyone in the room had a surprise face.
"Well scene you know what you have, now to what you are. Izuku Midoriya you are a devil in my house hold" said Rias.

Izuku sat down deep in thought.
If I'm a devil then what Dohnassek said about perogies was meant for devils.
"Ok, so I'm apart of your peerage. Then I'm your servant" said Izuku sadly.
"Don't be sad Izuku you will live life like normal" said Rias.
"Oh, shit I got to go train" said Izuku getting up in a hurry.
"What do you need to train for" asked a black hair girl.
"Well I'm trying to get into UA's hero course" Izuku said with a smile.

         After  training that day

Izuku is walking home and a woman with blue hair and yellow eyes. She had wings like Dohnassek. Boost yelled from Izuku left hand. He changed at her.
"Oh so did you kill Dohnassek so I'm going to kill you" said the woman. Izuku stop in his tracks when he heard that.
"Uhh, I didn't kill him. He is still alive" said Izuku.
"You're lien Raynare told me that you killed him" she said basically yelling at him with tears.

"He is telling the truth" said Dohnassek.
"How Raynare told me you were killed.
"She is a evil woman who just want to have power" Dohnassek said in a calming toon.
"Why are you fallowing that boy" she said.
"Well Kalawarna he showed me their is more in life then power" said Dohnassek.

The two fly away. As Izuku turned around he got stabbed though the stomach. As he looked up he only saw a blonde hair girl.

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