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Izuku arrived at the church. All was quiet, since Dohnaseek trained Izuku. He can hide his aura vary well. Izuku moved up and looked in the church. The only thing he saw was a man with sliver hair wearing a priest clothes.

The man in was walking back and forth like he was waiting for someone. Izuku made his way around the church,.but he got stopped by a girl with blond hair wearing a maid uniform.

"Stop right there. What have you done with Kalawarna and Dohnaseek" asked the girl.
"I haven't done anything to them besides train with them. Dohnaseek joined me out of his own free will. Kalawarna joined me after she found out that Dohnaseek was alive. The two of them told me what was going on" said Izuku.

"Oh, so you didn't kill them" asked the girl.
"Hell no, Dohnaseek has been a father to me, and Kalawarna has been like a older sister"Izuku said.

"Well in that case my name is Mittelt and can I be your little sister" Mittelt asked.
"Yeah I guess you can, and my name is Izuku." Izuku said.

"Now I just have to get passed the guy standing in there"Izuku said to Mittelt.
"I can help you with that and his name is Freed Sellzen" said Mittelt.

"Ok let's go "Izuku said as he changed though a window. Glass went everywhere. Mittelt just face pumped with the stupidity shown at the moment.

Izuku summed his gauntlet Boost.
"Well that's a surprise, usually people go through the door" said Freed. Charsh Mittelt came through the other window.
"Dose anyone know how to use a door now a days" Freed question.

Boost Freed unscheduled his sword.
Izuku ran at Freed with his gauntlet arm cocked back. As soon as Izuku got close Freed jumped out of the way. Mittelt hit Freed as he jumped.

"Mittelt you turned trader to. What a shame I will just have to kill you then" said Freed as he changed at her with his light sword.
"Promotion rook, Boost" yelled Izuku. Izuku charged at Freed once again, but instead of a puch Izuku was tatling his ass.

"You god damn devil. Get the fuck off me" said Freed. Izuku did what Freed said then puch him in the gut sending him though a cross.
"I've got it from here on out, the nun underneath the church move the podium and go down the stairs" said Mittelt kicking Freed in the nuts.
"Ok thank you" said Izuku as did what Mittelt said.

On the way.down Izuku herd a richel taking place. As he got to the bottom of the stairs a army of presets were waiting for him.
"So Freed didn't do his job"said someone passed the army and up on a state with a tech out cross. As Izuku looked at the person it was Raynare standing in front of the cross.

"You know you were to late. Since half of my team betrayed me I had no choice but to proceed with my plans quicker than what I plan for" exmped Raynare. When she stepped out of the way so Izuku can see what was on the cross, Izuku blood started to boiled with anger. Boost with the added power Izuku charged into the crowd of presets not caring what happened to him.

Asia look up to see Izuku strong arming a crowd of presets. She began to cry softly.

Outside of the church
"Rias I can already feel Izuku power doubling. Which means he already in combat" said Koneko.
"That is not a sign" said Rias.
Next thing that team Rias saw was a bright light.

"So this is where the traders are" said an ruff older voice.
"Yes governor Azazel" said an equal as ruff voice man.

"Dohnaseek, Izuku already inside"said a woman voice. Crash a man with sliver hair and wearing a priest clothes came through the window.
"Well Freed you weren't that tuff to bet" said a girl with blond hair wearing a maid uniform.

"Mittelt, did Izuku got you to" asked Dohnaseek.
"Yep" Mittelt said.

"Boom" came from inside the church.

Back with Izuku

Izuku is fighting an army of presets and winning. Raynare stood there in shock that a newly recreation devil is beating an. Raynare moved to finish the richel. Izuku saw this and blitzed to Raynare, tacking her to the ground in the process.

"Why you dare to touch me" raynare said with hatred. Izuku completely anored her and unchained Asia from the cross. Izuku placed Asia on his back and about to leave.
At the moment when Izuku was about to leave Raynare made a light spear. Then she though it at Izuku and Asia, stabbing them though the stomach. Izuku dropped immediately.

The pain Izuku flet wasn't as worse as the first time but it still hurt. Izuku check on Asia and to find out that she die immediately when she got stabbed. Rage, anger, and sadness filled him. Boost. Ignoring the pain Izuku blitz straight to Raynare. Izuku cocked back his arm and hit Raynare in the stomach sending her the roof of both the cave and the church.

When Raynare went through Izuku fallowed.

Back with Rias

After the Boom the bloody body of Raynare fell right in front of Azazel.
"What happened to her"asked Akeno.
"She is the trader" said Dohnaseek.
"Hmm, alright who ever did this must be strong" said Azazel with a grin.

Izuku landed in front of the group blood pouring out of his wound. The presets came out with the body of Asia.
"What the hell" one of them said. Izuku truned his head to where the presets can only see one eye. With that one eye Izuku poured all of his anger into.

The presets did something unexpected they kneeled to Izuku.
"Master we await your command" said a older looking preset. Izuku truned back to Raynare and walk over to her.
"You made this monster"

The Green Hair DragonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz