I stand alone

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"Are you ok" Izuku asked with his hand stretched out to the nun.
"Yes, thank you" the blond haired girl said as she blush at Izuku. The two of them started in each other eyes form a minute. "Um, my name is Izuku Midoriya" said Izuku.
"Oh yes, my name is Asia Argento" said the blond. The girl looked down to see all her things are stared all over the ground. With quick haste she got all her belongings back into the suit case she had with her.

"Let me help" said Izuku jumping in to pick her things too. With the next two minutes they both gather her things.

"Thank you, but can you guide me to the  church in this town" asked Asia.
"Yes I can. "Said Izuku "But that church has been abandoned since I was little"

As they walk to the church something happen.
"You damn Deku have another girl all ready" yelled Bakugo.
"No we are just friends Kacchan" said Izuku with a trimmer in his voice.  
Explosion went off in the palm  of  Bakugo hands. Asia got a little scared by the action that Bakugo took.

Izuku seeing how sacred  Asia was and stepped in fort of her like a hero.
Bakugo just started down Izuku with the most blood lust he could muster.
"What should I do my new friend Asia is right behind me. That's the only good thing about this." Thought Izuku.

Without warning Bakugo changed at Izuku with explosions in hand. A red gauntlet appeared on Izuku left hand. "Boost" yelled the gauntlet. Izuku stand his ground hoping that he wood take the attack full force.

"What are you thinking human, attacking my friend" said a deep voice coming from the sky.  Izuku immediately recognize  the voice. Asia and Bakugo both look up to see a man with black angel wings. He is wearing a trenchcoat. Right next to him was a woman with the black wings of the man. She wear  a red dress that the skirt stopped half way her thighs.

Both of them flu down to the ground.
"Dohnaseek, Kalawarna. What brings you here" said Izuku.
"We both fleet that your power jumped up so we came to check out what was happening" said Dohnaseek. Dohnaseek saw Asia and he was in shock then something bart he out of it.

"Boot" yelled the gauntlet.
"You shetty Deku, who said you can have friends. That quick of yours is a shetty quick. Who wants to be your friend. You're just a worthlessness pice of shit" yelled Bakugo.
"Izuku will you be all right " asked Asia.
"Don't worry I will be just fine. He has done this since we were just kid's" said Izuku with a sad look.

The next thing that they know was that Bakugo though a Howitzer impact at Izuku. Blowing Izuku off his feet. When the bust cleared there was a noticeable hole in Izuku's uniform and a third degree burn. The two fallen and the nune was surprised. For the fallen they were pissed. Dohnaseek  and Kalawarna ready a light spear.

Asia ran up to Izuku and started healing his burn a green light admitted form sliver rings on her ring fingers. The light cought the fallen eyes.

"There do you feel any better" asked Asia.
"Yeah I do, thank you" said Izuku.
"Boost" yelled the gauntlet. Izuku get up to his feet.
"Kacchan, no Katsuki Bakugo you will regret the day you made me surfer though the year's" yelled Izuku.

Bakugo charged at Izuku again. Izuku charged at Bakugo fist ready for a hit. Bakugo's exposition hit Izuku in the same spot as before.
"Boost" yelled the gauntlet. Then Izuku's fist collided with Bakugo's face sending him into a tree.

"Izuku, you and the girl go and do whatever you where going to do. We'll handle him" said Dohnaseek with venom in his voice when mentioning Bakugo.

"Ok, just don't kill him" said Izuku.

                     After some time later
"So that's a very interesting quirk you have" said Izuku to Asia.
Asia just looked down like Izuku did when he was asked what was his quirk.

"Well you see I was born quirk less. So my parents abounded me at a church in Italy. The nuns there took me in and raised me as there own."Asia said with a sad look.

"Don't worry I was born quirk less too. Bakugo was my child hood bully but he was my best friend before he got his quirk."said Izuku with a shaky smile.

"Here we are thank you so much Izuku"said Asia. The place the two find themselves at is a old church that started to fall apart. The front had weeds coming out of the floor and vins going up oneside.  A shape pain went through Izuku left hand telling him to get away.

A loud slap sound could be heard.
"Stay away from that church it's bad news. If you step foot in the church you may die or restart the great war" Rias scolded Izuku.

Izuku looks at the ground in shame for what he did. Rias put her hand under Izuku chin and lifted his head to look in his eyes.
"Just promise you won't step foot in the church" said Rias and as to tease Izuku she kissed him on the cheek to let he know she was not mad.

Izuku blushes was so red it supped very known red.

                At the beach after training
"Izuku what's wrong, did something happen after the Bakugo"asked Dohnaseek with worry president in his voice.
"Yeah after I dropped of Asia at the abandoned church" Izuku was cut of.

"You drop her for there his in trouble. That is where Raynare is. Since me and Kalawarna are not there she might go ahead with her plans" said Dohnaseek.

"What are her plans" Izuku question.
"She will steel her sacred gear if that happens she will die" said Dohnaseek.
"Will you join me in a fight" Izuku asked.
"We need to plan first"said Dohnaseek.
With that Izuku bolted and ran to the church.

                            With Rias
Ring ring "hello Izuku what wrong" Rias asked.
"Can I ask for back up. I just found out that the nun sacred gear" replied Izuku.
"Don't go anywhere there Izuku" Rias yelled.
"Hello hello" said Rias.

                         Back with Izuku
"Looks like I have to stand alone for this"said Izuku.
Izuku continue to ran harder and with more determination than before.

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