Braus Haus

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They left the hotel together with Levi holding onto Eren's arm, striding through the busy foyer like a normal German officer taking his lady out for the night. As they went outside into the heavy downpour, Eren opened an umbrella and held it over both him and Levi, tugging his boyfriend in a little closer so they both fit. Far off, they heard low rumbles of thunder, but the main storm had moved away.

Floch stood near the hotel entrance under an umbrella. His arm shot out in a salute to Eren, and then he bowed with a polite greeting to Frau Jäger. He led them to where he had parked the car and opened the backseat door, making sure his own umbrella kept the rain off as Levi climbed in. Eren climbed in after him, and Floch took their umbrella to put away on the front seat. They drove off into the shimmering wet streets of Metz.

"Where to first, sir?"

"A good place for lunch. After that, shopping, only this time, do you know of a place that sells menswear?"

"Menswear?" Floch asked in surprise, glancing in the rear view mirror to look at him.

"Louise wants to buy a gift for her cousin. Do you remember the man with the motorcycle?"

"Oh boy, do I. That bike was a machine of beauty! Boris, right?"

"Yes, he's in need of a backpack sturdy enough to travel on dirt roads with a motorcycle and keep the rain off his gear. Louise will be heading home soon, and she wants to buy a few things for her relatives."

"Heading home already?" Floch said with a frown.

"Oh, don't worry. You shouldn't need to drive her all that way again."

"I should hope not. Aren't the Americans somewhere around that area by now?"

"The Americans don't worry themselves over civilian farmers. She'll be fine."

"Pardon me for still worrying. This storm is intense. I heard this morning, a soldier in the barracks next to ours was out patrolling the Moselle, and the river suddenly crested its banks. It swept him away! If he's lucky, the Americans will fish him out downriver, and if not ... that's an awful way for a soldier to go."

The story worried Eren. What if Levi tried to follow the Moselle as he left, and the waters caught him in a flash flood? What if the ground was too saturated for him to run if he had to flee a patrol? What if...

Eren shoved all those worries aside.

Floch drove up to a small café. "I heard about this place from Moblit. You know he's a little bit more refined than the rest of us. If this place is good enough for his tastes, it should be nice enough for your wife."

He rushed out with the umbrellas and opened the door for them. Levi stepped out carefully, hating how the rain splashed up and made his ankles wet. Why in the world did women wear outfits like this? One would think they would wear shoes to keep their feet warm and dry, and at least trousers in the rain. Gender fashion made no sense to Levi.

They went inside, and both of them glanced around in surprise.

"It's ... a tea shop!" Levi whispered in awe.

The place was tiny, no more than six couples could sit inside at a time. There were shelves where, in better times, fine china would have been on display. Instead, the oak shelves stood bare, save for some tins of tea and an oriental-style vase that tried to make up for the barrenness.

The six tables were all tiny, meant for two, although perhaps three could have squeezed in. Delicate lace tablecloths draped over, like the place was designed by some aging woman yearning for the old days.

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