Dedicate Your Hearts

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Eren and Levi rushed away from Nicolo's restaurant. Their hearts pounded as they realized how close they came to a disaster, on top of the dread of seeing so much wanton killing and injustice. Levi weaved through streets, sticking to empty alleys. Eren wondered if these were the same streets they had strolled through last night in the fog.

Bitterness began to grow as he realized that Levi seemed to know the path well, like he used this route daily. These were streets used by the French Resistance to avoid Germans!

Eren sneered as his emotions turned dark. "This is madness. It's going to hell, all of it."

"What do you mean, going to hell?" Levi murmured. "It's always been this way in France, ever since Germany invaded. People fight and die for their homeland every day. You're only just now seeing it."

Eren shook his head. "But Greiz loved this city."

"Maybe so, but it wasn't his to love."

Eren had not known Greiz well, but he came across as decent. He often showed concern and a level of compassion for Louise. He even gave Eren a bottle of wine last night after hearing Levi vomiting, thinking it might help ease Louise's pregnancy sickness. Greiz once said he cared because Louise was a local girl, and he had been stationed in Metz for many years. He got to know and love the people here and sympathized with them.

Eren closed his eyes and shook his head. That was no way for a soldier to die. Killed by some terrorist!


He glanced over at Levi, who was focused on where he was walking.

Yelena was a French terrorist!

So what did that make Levi?

Levi muttered, "I'm shocked they didn't question us properly. I thought for sure we were fucked. Rather sloppy for the Gestapo. They must have really wanted that bitch."

Eren replied bitterly, "Well, she's a terrorist, after all."

Levi shot a glare over at Eren, hurt by the words, but he said nothing.

Eren had to admit, he had been assuaging himself by reasoning that Levi wasn't really part of the French Resistance; he just happened to be taking shelter with them. Yet he had seen how people around Metz knew "Levinia" by sight. He had an expert knowledge of which streets were not patrolled. Yesterday, Levi had dodged the question about how many Germans he had killed in the past month.

Levi was just as deep into this as the rest of the Resistance.

A terrorist! A threat to Germany!

Eren felt conflicted thinking about how he had spent the night with this man.

This terrorist!

"What was her goal, taking us there?" he wondered aloud.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"No! To watch her shoot Greiz?"

"That clearly wasn't part of the plan."

"Zeke," Eren whispered, like the word itself was treasonous. "How did he know about my brother? No one should know about him! They can't know! Do you have any idea what would happen to me if das Oberkommando found out my brother works for the British government?"

Levi came to such a sharp stop, Eren almost ran into him as his mind whirled with terror.

"You really don't get it, do you?" Levi shook his head. "It's probably best that you don't. Go back to your room, stay there, and don't leave unless you're traveling with other soldiers. Go out with your drinking buddies, have a few beers, sing your victory songs, and pass out. If the Gestapo questions you, be honest, but do not mention Yelena, me, and definitely nothing about your brother."

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