Dream of You

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They eventually went back down the spiraling staircase and left the cathedral. Since they were close, they walked to the old wine shop, now closed and boarded up. Levi stepped into the bookstore across the street, and the old man recognized him despite the female attire. Although Eren had not caught his name, only that he was Yelena's grandfather, Levi apparently knew him well, calling him Alexeï, and to Eren's shock, addressing the old man with respect rather than his usual rough manner.

Alexeï spoke to Levi in French and to Eren in German, equally fluent in both languages. Levi went around the store, checking out the shelves, until finally choosing a book. Eren offered to pay for it.

"I'm glad to see that you two were reunited," Alexeï said with a playful wink. "This gives me hope that I will be reunited with my little Yelena someday."

They went out for lunch, and then they took a walk along the Esplanade. Eren felt so delighted, getting to stroll along the garden with Levi. However, he realized there was hardly anyone out, except for a squad of soldiers goose-stepping around the park.

As the sun began to set, they returned to the brothel. There were a few men there, but the usual evening crowd had not yet arrived. Eren and Levi went up the stairs, but the door to the room was locked. Eren had to go back down, find Carly, and she arrived with the key.

"It's best to keep it locked at all times," she explained in French to Levi.

"I'm glad you did."

"A compliment? I'm honored."

He rolled his eyes and walked into the room.

As they entered, Eren was surprised to see that the bed was made, fresh flowers were in a vase, and there was a tiny electric kettle on the table along with a tea set. Apparently, Carly heard about Levi wanting hot water for tea, so she prepared that for them. There was also now a gramophone that had been playing music downstairs earlier.

Eren declared, "With a room like this, I don't think I ever want to go back to the officer's hotel."

Levi silently headed to the bathroom to get out of his clothes. He removed his wig and coat, but then he realized he left his normal clothes down in the cellar with the French Resistance.

"I'll be back."

"Where are you going?"

He waved down at the tea dress. "I don't want to wear this all night."

"You could be naked all night," Eren said with a lascivious smirk.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you!"

Levi opened the hidden door, trotted down the stairs, and came to what appeared to be a dead end with bedrock blocking the way. However, by going over to a light switch bolted into the wall and flipping the switch, there was a heavy clunk. The stone wall swung outward, and Levi saw Oruo standing with a rifle pointed at him.

Seeing Levi, Oruo immediately pulled his gun upright. "You're back!"

Levi walked swiftly past him. "I'm glad to see you're being vigilant for once."

Oruo looked stunned. "A compliment, from you?"

"Not you too," Levi grumbled. "I should stop giving out compliments altogether."

"It's not in your nature. Maybe the Gestapo sent a lookalike Levi Ackerman."

"Go to hell."

"That's more like it!"

"Is Eld here?"

"He's out with Flagon doing surveillance on that munitions depot."

Levi walked to a bunk bed. Over a dozen of these lined the basement. It was far better than the tiny military cot he had been sleeping on in the wine cellar. There were also couches set out, and men were sitting around reading, whittling, or writing letters to their families.

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