Chapter 4: New Years part 2

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Cesar's POV:
"I didn't know they'd be here." Monse whispers. "It's cool. I'm the problem, I should go." I say. "Why? They're the ones who aren't even trying to get over it." She doesn't know what happened so she doesn't get that I fucked everything up. I look at Ruby and Jamal but they're both still on their phones. "Can we talk?" I ask. "Depends, can you not be a dick?" Ruby asks. "A whole sentence... big improvements ." Monse smiles awkwardly. "We have different definitions of the word improvement." I whisper. "Beer?" Monse stands up. "Yeah." Jamal and Ruby say at the same time. "Ok." She drags me into the kitchen. "Stop being weird." Monse says. "I'm not being weird." I laugh under my breath. "You keep staring at them!" She whispers. "I was trying to think of something to say." I explain. "They don't wanna say anything." She says. "I'm trying." I cross my arms. "You're forgetting that Jamal's my best friend and you're barely even an acquaintance... I'm gonna defend him over you." She shrugs. "I just don't think I should be here. No one wants me here." I laugh sarcastically. "I want you here. I miss having the crew together so if that means everyone being hella uncomfortable, we'll just get drunk." She opens the fridge. "I don't think you have enough beer to make that comfortable. "Cesar, deep down they still love you. Give them time... a lot of time." The way she's looking at me I don't think we're talking about Ruby and Jamal. I lean in but she puts her hand on my chest. "If we're not gonna work as friends maybe we should just stop trying." She grabs two beers and hands me the other two. "Thanks." Jamal smiles at her and rolls his eyes at me. I try sitting next to Monse but she moves closer to Jamal. "So how'd you guys get so close?" Ruby asks. "We got in some stupid fight, but when I came back last summer we talked it out. After that we just hung out like everyday for two months." Monse explains. "Yeah, we talked a lot. She told me some crazy stuff about Cesar. Something about a phone." He looks me dead in the eyes. "Jamal, stop." Monse puts her hand on top of his. "Yeah, I'm definitely going." I get to the door but Brandy stops me. "Everything ok?" She asks. "I gotta go, Santo stuff." I shrug. "I know you're lying. Cesar, whether you like it or not everyone in this house is a family. If you got problems with them you can't just run from them." She tells me. "I don't have a lot of experience with family. My brother literally ran from his problems." I remind her. "You're not him. Make your own path, don't repeat his mistakes." She smiles. "Wait." I stop her when she tries to walk away. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I ask. "You're still a kid, Cesar. I remember how lonely it was being your age and not having a family." I don't know a lot about Brandy but I do know she's nice as hell. "Thank you." I say. "Don't thank me, take my advice." She smiles. I go back to the couch and they're being hella quiet. "I thought you were leaving." Monse says. "I thought about it but I'm not just gonna walk out on my family... even when they hate me." I explain and she smiles but the guys don't care. "At least he can be loyal to something." Jamal mumbles. "If you have a problem with me, say it." I try to stay calm. "I do. I hate you 'cause you treated me like shit our whole lives and you just expect me to get over it, but I'm annoyed as hell with Monse for forgiving you. It's always so damn easy for you." He admits. "At least you said it. Just so you know, Monse hasn't forgiven me." I tell Jamal and he looks at her. "It's true." She shrugs.
"I heard Vero caught y'all sleeping together at the party." Jamal says. "I kissed her. She shut me down." I cover for her. "That makes more sense." Jamal laughs. "I didn't believe that shit for second. Monse's too smart to get back with him." Ruby tries not to laugh. "Guys come on." Monse tríes to stop them. "No, I definitely deserve this." I laugh too.
"3...2...1...Happy New Year!" Everyone screams. I watch them hug their families and I just stand in the back. Brandy was right, this is lonely as hell and it never gets easier. "Hey." Monse walks over to me. "I'm about to do something really stupid and you're gonna forgive me 'cause it's New Years." She says. Monse looks back at the families and, when she knows no one's looking, she kisses me. "Told you it was stupid." She stops before I can even kiss her back. I pull her to the hallway, put my hand on her cheek and kiss her back. I move my hands around her waist and get her as close to me as I can. We back up I to the bathroom door and I lift her up. "This is a really bad idea." She says against my lips. "I know." I smile. "I guess we just gotta be really quiet." She laughs. I put her on the bathroom counter and lock the door. "We gotta be quick or they're gonna know we're gone." She pulls up her skirt. "This has to be the last time." Monse says while I kiss her neck. "No promises." I smirk. "Trust me, it's the last time." She says.
"What happened to being quiet?" I ask. "Shut up it's not like you were quiet either." She rolls her eyes and puts her bra back on. "If we get caught it's on you." I move her hair in front of her neck. "Still want it to be a one time thing?" I ask before I kiss her. "Mhm." She says but she keeps kissing me. "You have a girlfriend." Monse points out. "I'm pretty sure I have you too." I trace her jawline with my thumb. "Seriously, you still don't get it?" She messes with my chain. "I'm the one with all the power." She hops off the counter and walks out.

Author's note:
This is completely unedited and I'll fix any mistakes later I just really wanted to put out an update today

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