Chapter 12: History

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Monse's POV:
It's been a week and Cesar's been around everyday. "Jamal said he's bringing my trig homework. You might not wanna be here." I tell Cesar. "We gotta talk eventually. Besides, I'm not leaving you." He says. "I still gotta check your history paper." I lean back. "I didn't do it." He says. "Seriously, Cesar?" I hit him. "You need to stop spending so much time with me and start doing your work before it's too late." I say. "How am I supposed to leave you when I'm the reason you got shot?" He asks. "It's barely even a graze." I tell him. "Your dad doesn't want you staying alone over the weekend anyways." He reminds me. Brandy and my dad had a trip planned for months and I'm not letting them cancel 'cause of me. "He told me to invite Jasmine. You really thought he'd be cool with us staying here alone?" I laugh. "She knows about us?" Cesar looks worried. "No, she still thinks I'm into to Jamal." I furrow my brows. "It's not like I don't wanna be with you. We just don't need whoever's after me finding out." He kisses me. "You talk to Sad Eyes yet?" I know I shouldn't be asking. "No but he knows what happened." He tries to shut me down. "So what does that mean? Are you gonna have to do anything?" I raise my eyebrows. "I don't know. You can't really deal with someone when you don't know who they are." He explains. I'm about to ask a hundred more questions but we hear the front door open. "He has a key?" Cesar asks. "Vero had a key." I remind him. "We were dating." He says. "And Jamal's been basically my only friend." I shrug. "Besides, you have the window." I kiss him and he wraps his arms around my back. "I have our notes for today and the homework. Ruby told me I needed to color code everything but-" Jamal walks in and he stops talking when he sees us. I push Cesar back. "So you guys are cool?" He asks. "Yeah, she forgave me for being a dumb ass." Cesar puts his hand on my thigh. "Stop." I whisper. "So you're back together?" Jamal's usually pretty easy to read but I can't tell what he's thinking. "Definitely not." I tell him. "I gotta go to work. I'll see you later, Monse." He walks out. "You can't keep being a dick just 'cause he likes me." I say. "I tried talking to him about it. Jamal didn't wanna listen." Cesar explains. "He can't control how he feels. We tried that, remember?" I cross my arms. "Controlling it and keeping it on the low are two different things." He points out. "That's not fair. He was trying. Ruby's the only reason I even found out." I say. "It's not like Jamal was trying to hide it. You just ignored all the shit he'd say." Cesar laughs. He knows I hate when he laughs when I'm being serious. "Go do your assignments. I gotta catch up on all this anyways." I open the folder Jamal brought. "You're mad at me?" He asks. "No." I try to lie. "Ok, so you're mad. I'm still not leaving until Jasmine gets here." He says but I don't look up from the notes. "Fine. At least start your work." I flip through the pages. "Why are we even doing this?" I ask him. "That's what I'm saying. We could be having way more fun." He looks at my lips while he talks. "I mean why are we doing this?" I put my hand of his chest before he can kiss me. "You said you needed to be on your own." I remind him. "Doesn't we can't do this." He pulls me in and kisses me. Cesar tries to get me on his lap but my leg hurts way too much. "Not really in the mood." I look back at my notes. "I forgot. I shouldn't have-" he starts but I cut him off. "Trust me, I want to, but I'm still on bed rest until Monday." I remind him. "I have a few bed rest friendly things we can do." Cesar says and I roll my eyes. "You're just trying to distract me." I say while he kisses my neck. "And you're just trying to change the subject." Cesar says. "Yeah, back to history and trig." I laugh. "Give me five minutes to change your mind?" He asks. "Aww just like the first time." I smile sarcastically. "So you admit it was five!" Cesar says and I roll my eyes. "Work." I kiss his cheek. "Whatever you say princesa." He actually listens this time. While he's typing I text Jasmine.
M: hey im good for tonight you cool with just coming over tomorrow??
J: better not be trying to get some santo d
M: ...
J: i stg MONSE
"Jasmine needed to do something tonight so she can't come. Still wanna stay over?" I put my phone down. "You don't even have to ask." He smirks. "So what's the plan?" Cesar asks. "Pizza, a movie, and editing your work." I say. "Nothing else?" He looks at my lips. "Nope. Tonight we're just friends." I shrug. "You're breaking my heart." He laughs. "Stop being such a dork." I roll my eyes and he wraps his arm around my waist. "Don't touch me until you're done working." I move his arm. "What, you don't do this kinda thing with your friends?" He asks before he kisses my neck. "No, just you... and Jamal." I pick up my phone. "That's gross." When he leans away from me I know my plan worked. "I'm joking. We just slept together." I try holding back my smile. "Ok now I know you're fucking with me. Jamal already told me the story." He points out. "I know. I just like messing with you." I finish ordering the pizza and when I look up I see the annoyed look on his face. "You owe me for that shit." He shakes his head. "Don't worry, just give me a few more days." I say and his eyes get wide.

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