Ch. 38: My Little Tranquility (Part 2): Zecora's Rehabilitation Methods

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March 27, 2015/2:12pm

Hey, my Rainbows! X3


Please note that this chappy'll have other POV's. :)

Also: Please stop comparing Barn Keeper, a.k.a. "Barney", to the purple dinosaur from the kid's show, "Barney". Though it was funny the 1st few times, the joke is getting old now (and a bit annoying). O_O

I got his nickname from Barney Rubble (from the 60's cartoon, "The Flintstones"). :D


Note (4-10-15/6:01-03pm, 6:04pm): I had to correct Twilight's mom's name in the last chapter and this one... O_O

Her name is "Twilight Velvet (fan name)", not "Velvet Sparkle". :3


Onward! ^^


[During Applejack's Drive To Keeper's Farm]

||Twilight Sparkle's POV: Fed Up||

{Tuesday, October 7, 2014/11:35am, Twilight's Home, Canterlot, Equestria}

My parents, brothers, and my sister all agreed to give me a fucking intervention for my quote, unquote "alcohol problem". I do not have a problem thankyouverymuch. Shining Armor, my mom, Twilight Velvet, my dad, Night Light, Spike, Cadance, and Solar Flair are all sitting on our living room couch, waiting for me to answer the question that the damn therapist they hired asked me a few seconds ago: "When did you first start drinking?". I, being me, am going to tell them the truth. I look at my brown and tan argyle sweater. I then look at my dark brown skinny jeans. I tell the therapist who's sitting in a chair to the right of the couch (my left),

"(*Looking the therapist in the eye*) Well, Doctor Medic Charm, it all started with an innocent house party at a friend's house."

"Who was this friend?," Doctor Charm asks as he writes on a sheet of paper attached to a really boring, brown clipboard, "If you don't mind me asking."

"One of my friends, Pinkie Pie, threw a party at the manor of my other friend, Rainbow Dash," I say.

"At what point did you start consuming the alcohol?," the stiff, Canterlot doctor asks me sternly.

"When I went to drink the pink lemonade in the punch bowl with my closest besties, the other Elements of Harmony," I reply, bored already, "We didn't know it was spiked; (*Glaring at Spike*) It was clean when Pinkie made it."

"How do you know she didn't put drugs in it before?," Doctor Charm has the balls to ask me, making my family gasp as my anger rises to a boiling point, "Did you taste it before that particular moment?"

"No," I say angrily, "I did not. However, Pinkie would never put drugs in anyone's freakin' punch! Besides, the lemonade had been spiked with alcohol, not drugs. Where'd you get that from?"

"Alcohol was at that house party?!," my mom asks angrily, "(To the doctor) I bet her wild little friends came up with that idea! What's that really wild one's name...? (*With an "I got it!" face*) Rainbow Dash! The one with the crazy, colorful hair and more holes in her ears than there are in slices of Swiss Cheese!"

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