(20) Trust I seek

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"Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters"

- Jk -

Name something you can hear-  Sejin hyung's voice

Name something you can feel-   the chair I am sitting on

Name something you can see-

The maknae focused his vision down to his own torso.

Well, I can definitely see this ridiculous yellow uniform.

Jeongguk sighed, and went through the mental exercise Taehyung and him had researched about a few weeks ago to deal with his anxiety. He sat on a chair in the dressing room, tapping his foot in a rhythm, his red hair contrasting to his new yellow school uniform.

Ugh, why is it yellow?

Why isn't it like some cool colour?

Like black?

I look like a mango.

The entrance ceremony of his high school started in a few hours, and to say Jeongguk was anxious was a gross underestimation.

His blood ran cold with the thought of  starting a new class, with new people, and moreover, he would have to socialise with those people.

Nevertheless, he gave out his best bunny smile when the cameras came in front of him.

That was the first lesson they were taught. No sad emotions on camera unless absolutely necessary.

"Anneyonghaseyo", he greeting, looking into the camera. "Today I get to wear my new uniform! My appa and eomma  will be coming too--- I am getting nervous now", he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Because of me, all the hyungs are exhausted because I called all of them along"

"But we are excited!", Namjoon added from behind the camera.

He had invited his hyungs for the entrance ceremony, which in all honesty he thought they would avoid but man, the six of them so graciously accepted the invitation confusing the maknae, but also made him a fee

l tinge of gratitude. (Only a tinge though. (Cool seventeen year olds don't feel such things.)

Whatever floats your boat.

They all shuffled into the company car together to leave for the high school and the vehicle soon echoed with their cacophony.

Jeongguk sat by the window looking out at the city as it sped by, mind already running a thousand things. The cold wind blew across his face like a river of pristine air, one that carried plumes of breath clean out of sight before the next one came. He brought his finger up to his mouth, teeth clamping down at the tip of his nails, a habit he found always resorting to whenever he felt edgy.

His hand was grabbed midway, making him stop with half his mouth open. Glancing to his right, he found the perpetrator. The orange-haired boy leaning back on his seat, scrolling through his phone, earphones in his ears, and his hand on Jeongguk's wrist.

Taehyung brought down their hands to rest on his thigh, lacing their fingers together and rubbed a few circles on Jeongguk's knuckles.

"Hajima--", Taehyung whispered, not even looking up.

Jeongguk huffed and turned towards the window again.

But the pent up energy had to find an outlet. His knee had just established itself in a  rhythm, when a few seconds later, he found the same hand holding his knee in place.

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