(19) All these words

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"Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don't just say
And nothing else matters"

- V -

Having only one shower in a house of seven was problematic to say the least. Having only one shower in a house of seven who currently needed to be ready in less than thirty minutes was simply bedlam.

Taehyung was sure his ears were going to lose all sense of hearing with the voice people were shouting in.

That's just how some mornings were. The staff members were up their asses to get shit done, and Taehyung couldn't really blame them, controlling seven teenage boys was a Herculean feat deserving of it's own award, and while they tried to patient with them, treating them with care like their own kids, Taehyung agreed if he was ever a staff to kids like them, he would've resigned a long time ago.

On this particular morning, their alarms didn't go off and they were running late for a recording and the shit had hit the fan.

He was scrambling to put everything he needed in a bag.

Charger? check

Earphones? check

Wallet? Check

"Do not forget your underwear!", Namjoon shouted.

Taehyung held the button of his pants and pulled it forward.

Underwear? Check.

Ever since Hoseok forgot to wear his underwear for a recording, Namjoon had been petrified. He made sure to call for an underwear check before they left the house for any event.

Being a leader was also difficult.

Jimin's short legs were running around everywhere, and Seokjin was hurriedly wrapping up breakfast.

And Taehyung needed to shower.

He had planned to shower the night before but he lay on the bed to rest for five minutes and woke up to the sound of Seokjin shouting in his ear on this beautiful morning.

Which bring us to the original problem.

There was only one shower.

And it was currently occupied.

And by the time Taehyung would get his turn it would be too late.

That was it.

He simply had to barge in and share it.

Desperate times called for desperate measures.

He pushed opened the door to find the maknae hurriedly covering himself with the towel.

It just had to happen. That is how low Taehyung's luck was running today, and while it was not the first time he was sharing the shower, it definitely was the first time Taehyung had to share with Jeongguk of all people.

If it was Jimin or Hoseok then Taehyung would've strode in without a thought. They had shared the shower plenty of times with their bodies turned away from each other. It was efficient and time saving.

And sometimes the only option.

But the maknae looked at him like a deer caught in headlights.

Taehyung sighed, taking a deep breath to make this as less awkward as it could possibly be.

"Uh- if you want to shower first hyung I can leave", Jeongguk said, his hands reaching for his clothes.

"You can stay!", Taehyung blurted, trying his best to remain cool as a cucumber, and handle this situation like the responsible elder brother he was supposed to be.

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