(17) Everything I pray to

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"I will never try to change you, change you

I will always want the same you, same you
Swear on everything I pray to
That I won't break your heart"

- Jk -

The October wind moved the grey curtains of the living room, brushing them against the maknae's frame, pushing him away from reality, and then drawing him back. He watched the brown haired laying on the sofa perpendicular to where the maknae was sitting.

It had been four months since their debut and on a scale of 1 to 10, if pre debut had been at 1, then post debut stress was a solid 100.

The excitement though, still thrummed in the veins.

Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair with a long drawn sigh. Jeongguk couldn't help but notice the flick of those long fingers combing the soft brown knots that opened themselves to receive him, and Jeongguk would be lying to himself if he didn't admit he wanted those fingers to run through his hair too.

The beauty of the boy laying with his legs on top of the maknae's thighs created the illusion of perfection. He was tangible, undisturbed, ethereal. It seemed like the wind calmed down in front of him.

Being all over the members was one of Taehyung's biggest pleasures, for all the most innocent reasons, in every sense. Jeongguk knew Taehyung was just a naturally affectionate person. He needed physical contact with people almost at par with the oxygen he needed to breathe.

He loved to show his appreciation for the people he was fond of in any way possible. He complimented them, flirted with them, cuddled them, and sat on them. (Namjoon got the scare of his life one fine day when he went to sleep alone and woke up with Taehyung's face next to his. Most of the members had gone home so it was excusable.)

Hoseok and Jimin were the only ones who were more than willing to be hugged and cuddled, Jimin going out of his way to reciprocate all the love received resulting in the two 95z rolling all over each other at times, and earning a few secret sulking glares from the maknae. Seokjin was a bit awkward but took it in stride, flirting back at times. Namjoon and Yoongi had been sort of reluctant at first, and Taehyung, in all honesty, was a little bit more intimidated by them, yet he showed his love to them whenever he got the chance, making the two rappers melt.

He had so much love to give, and never run out of it.

A little too extra if you ask me. Jeongguk huffed at his subconscious.

Jeongguk's opening up had been a lot trickier. It had been slightly more than three years since Taehyung had been living, eating, breathing almost constantly next to the youngest, and now that he had become used to Taehyung's personality he had grown completely out of his shyness around him and seemed to bask in the attention.

Nevertheless, unconsciously or not, Jeongguk always found himself gravitating towards Taehyung more than towards anybody else.

During their initial days, Jeongguk was concerned that Taehyung would eventually get tired of him, given that his whole personality was of an introvert. But he found that Kim Taehyung was as stubborn as a splinter stuck under your skin.

He had successfully torn down all of Jeongguk's walls and brought out the maknae's evergrowing personality. (And to the hyungs dismay, his ever-growing mischief)

Jeongguk just needed his personal space and a little time alone at some point of the day, then there were no problems at all, and Taehyung seemed to understand that more than anybody else.

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