(18) I'll be there

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"I'll be there when you get lonely, lonely
Keep the secrets that you told me, told me
And your love is all you owe me
And I won't break your heart"

- V -

The pink tracksuits stood out in the stadium like cherry blossoms in full bloom. The frigid winds of January brought with them the start of a new year.

Bangtan was participating in the Idol star athletics championship. Taehyung's heart jumped with excitement as they looked around at the audience and met with the other teams. A little nervousness crept up as well, but the ever constant presence by his side made him lost in his own world.

Their hyungs had labelled them the magnets of the group due to them always being joined at the hip. And even when they were apart, Taehyung's eyes always found the other's across the room making his heart slightly flutter.

This young infatuation was mostly fuelled by the other's validation and approval, especially for Taehyung. He constantly sought to impress the younger or to make him laugh.

Taehyung felt content to the bone when Jeongguk appreciated him. He was Jeongguk's self proclaimed saviour, protector, and hero, all combined.

Their team sat in the centre of the track along with the other teams.

"Psst Jimina", Hoseok whispered to the younger. "Isn't that the girl you have a crush on?"

Taehyung grinned at the speed at which Jimin whipped his head around to find the idol he had been fawning over since the past week. A deep blush crept up his cheeks.

"Hyung~", Jimin whined and swatted Hoseok playfully.

Hoseok snickered and slung an arm around Taehyung, "Look Taehyunga, that is the girl our Jiminie has a crush on"

Taehyung craned his neck dramatically to look at her, making Jimin kick his foot. "Stop looking!", Jimin hissed, "You are making it so obvious you idiot!"

Taehyung grinned. "She is very pretty Jiminie!"

The maknae too, darted his eyes to look this so called pretty girl. Taehyung observed him staring at the other idol, flipping her hair. A pang of an unfamiliar green wave shook his heart.

Taehyung turned to look at her again. She had jet black poker straight hair, with ivory skin and siren eyes, a small button nose, and thin lips that curled over a perfect set of teeth.

She was beautiful alright, and to Taehyung it seemed the maknae liked what he saw.

Hoseok laughed, "Don't oogle Jeongguka, Jiminie already likes this one, plus Taehyunga might get mad"

Taehyung looked down to his lap, admiring his pants. The threads woven on the side if his pants had a really beautiful design actually.

"I- I was not oogling. She isn't even that pretty", Jeongguk defended himself making Taehyung smile.

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Isn't even that pretty? Oh please"

"But she is pretty Jeonggukie", Taehyung stated looking up again, testing the waters. "She is so beautiful."

Jeongguk scoffed, "Well then we clearly have different tastes."

"Jeonlous", Jimin coughed, making Jeongguk roll his eyes.

Jeongguk turned his attention to Namjoon who started explaing their activities, after which Taehyung slowly shifted towards Jeongguk.

"Jeonggukie--", he called, his excitement practically bubbling over. "I have to show you something."

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