Chapter 2:You like my cut g?

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Sonic then sees a village and asks a villager.

Sonic:Excuse me for a bit, Im Sonic, Sonic The Hedgehog

Villager #0: Ah Alien, everyone run an alien with one eye and no pants is gonna kill us!

Chicken#1:They're probably just talking about me.

Villager News theme plays.

Villager#5:Breaking News,an alien is invading the Earth,the police have now caught them,Villager#9 is on the scene. Villager#5,the alien is about to be thrown into the pit of death.

Sonic:Are they talking about me or you?

Chicken#1:The villagers are very stupid and they're so stupid that ow!

Sonic and Chicken#1 get pushed into the pit.

Chicken#1:That the pit of death doesn't kill.

Villager#14:First time?

Sonic:What are you in for?

Villager#14:Throwing a piece of paper near a garden.

Chicken#1:Have you tried standing up?

Villager#14 then stands up.

Villager#14: Im free yes thank you so much wee!

Sonic:So,have you seen a moustached egg who makes robots?

Chicken#1:Oh yeah I was trying to warn someone about that man turning the mobs into the robots.

Sonic:Thats Eggman. For ya,so whats your name.

Chicken#1:Chicken#1, yeah I know it's a dumb name but hey it's tradition.And yours?

Sonic:I'm Sonic,Sonic The Hedgehog.

Chicken#1:Well nice to meet you Sonic.

Sonic then sees a factory and our heroes run to it.

Robotnik:Now that I have control of the mobs,no one can stop me!

Cubot:Yas like tha
Otha times that didn't happan.

Orbot:Oh boy his voice chip is stuck in a steryotypical Sweden accent.

Chicken#1:Ha,it's funny because Minecraft is made in Sweden.

Chicken#1 and Sonic then appear

Sonic:Looks like your doing a change of pace huh,well that won't stop me from me and my new friend.

Sonic and Chicken#1 start attacking the robots and freeing a mob in an action scene that you can't even see.
(Hey that almost rhymed lol)



Robotnik then presses the button again and opens another portal,Sonic and Chicken#1 enter and someone else.

Tesificate Man:Da da da da da da da da Bat I mean Tesificate Man!

Sonic:The game verseWhere stories live. Discover now