Chapter 11:The final battle or is it

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Wheatley:Well,Well,Well looks like you made it to my base and look it's one of your friends.

All:Flappy Bird.

Flappy Bird:Yes, it is I, I am now taken over by the energy and are gonna murder you all ha ha ha!

Sonic:Wheatley, why are you doing this?

Wheatley:You see,After I was banished to space with that annoying space orb I waited for someone to rescue me until Your arch nemesis came and asked me to take over the game verse I joined him and recruited a bunch of other villans (Oh and by the way I never actually played Portal 2 before and I only made him the main villain because my sister played it and my sister said that
he betrayed her)

Wheatley:I then came up with the plan to make Fortnite the only game giving me absolute power,and guess what? we are on the island, and now we must fight.

The heroes and villains then have a big fight, and despite out heroes efforts they can't beat all the villans(Just imagine any videogame villan and they will be in the story)

Sonic:They are too powerful. I can't believe we failed everyone!

Garfield:Well,it's been a pleasure being at the end of the story.

Knuckles:This looks like the end.

Sonic:Wait,I have a plan. I just need your portal gun
Sonic opens a bunch of portals with any videogame hero you can imagine coming out of them.

Mario:Let's do this.

Sonic:Good calling Mario!

The battle begins again with the heroes triumphing over the villains and winning.

Sonic:Yes, we did it!

Robotnik:You may win again and again, but I will return.

Flappy Bird:Uh, what um,welp, we must say our goodbyes.

Everyone leaves saying goodbye to each other except for Sonic and Wheatley.

Wheatley:Sonic, you have beaten me, and I gift you with the power,and now you rule the game verse.

Sonic:The game verseWhere stories live. Discover now