Chapter 3:Into the Game Verse

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We see Sonic and Chicken#1 flying through this strange universe.

Sonic:Woah what is this place?

Chicken#1:This is the game verse, it's a web of portals and planets to other video game worlds like yours and mine,and it all connects to Fortnite.

Sonic:So that explains why the Smash tournaments existed.

Chicken#1:Oh yeah Smash Bros is also a big part of the game verse,when a new Smash happens everyone from the game verse comes in peace even with the violence,but that peace might be destroyed if Robotnik does something bad.

Sonic:I call him Eggman because he looks like an egg.

Chicken#1:That is very weird and I hatched out of an egg.

Sonic:It does seem like he changed his name after The war a few years ago in my world.So where are we gonna go now?

Chicken#1:I think Robotnik's heading to Flappy Bird.

Sonic:What's with the green Mario Pipes?

Chicken#1: It's just for looks. Hey, grab onto my feet, and it's for a good reason

Chicken#1 then flies through the pipes as Sonic hangs on.

Sonic:I thought Chickens couldn't fly!

Chicken#1:It takes a lot of practice!

Testificate Man:The green things are too high,well I give up.

Sonic:Hey, what's with him?

Chicken#1:That's Testificate Man he's kinda like Batman, but not Batman.

Testificate Man:I'm not Batman. Why do people always say I'm BatMan?

Sonic:Should we help him?

Chicken#1:I don't know,carrying two people at once might be too much for my chicken legs, but hey, there's a first time for everything.

Sonic and Testificate Man then grab onto Chicken#1 and fly off to the pipes.

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