Chapter 4:Uhhhhhhbhhhh

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Sonic,Chicken#1,and Testificate Man are flying through the pipes.

Chicken#1:Hey Flappy Bird, it's been long and I brought some new friends.

Flappy Bird:Hey Chicken#1, I'm up to about 9996 pipes, and im almost gonna reach 10,000, so who are they?

Chicken#1:This is Sonic, and this is Testificate Man.

Flappy Bird:So what are you guys doing here?

Sonic:Oh, we were off on our journey saving the game verse from my arch nemesis Eggman.

Flappy Bird:I think his base is right over there.

Sonic:Thanks,so you wanna join us?

Flappy Bird:I'm a bit busy but good luck on your quest.

Our heroes then fly off

Testificate Man:Bye Mister yellow flying thing!

Flappy Bird:Hey I just setted a new record!

Robotnik:Sonic is coming with some new friends,and just in time to.

Robotnik manically laughs menacingly.

Sonic:Time for some action!

Robotnik unleashes the robits and Sonic and Chicken#1 fight them off while Testificate Man gets beaten up by the robits.

Testificate Man:Ow,stop, it hurts. Why are you doing this? I did nothing to you. We never met!(Did he ever actually fought anyone in that book because I never read it? lol?

Cubot:I think et's a good time to go anothar dumensiun.

Orbot:Not now we have to change your voice chip so we won't get cancelledHU HAH!

Testificate Man then faints then his body lets on the remote so they go the another world and I don't know what other game TO should put in this and im trying to make it as easy as possible lol.

Flappy Bird keeps on flying, but he sees someone familiar come out of one the pipes.

Bowser:I've been waiting for you, have you got the heroes?

Flappy Bird:I don't work for you anymore I like to have friends thank you very much.

Bowser:Well not anymore.

Bowser then uses a hypnotizing gun to hypnotize Flappy Bird.

Bowser:Now go get those heroes!

Flappy Bird:now i'll get those heroes.

Flappy Bird then flies to the portal.


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