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Sonic:What is this place?

Imposter:Here are some cookies,remove the shape to win and if you break the cookie then you be dead bro!

Sonic:Alright I got a circle seems like a piece of cake.

Chicken#1:I just had to get the umbrella didn't I.

Garfield:I got the star because you know.

Flappy Bird:Alright dat was a good nap huh a triangle cookie let me see if I can get the shape out.

They then try to get the shape out,Sonic and Flappy Bird succeed while Garfield does the licking technuique and eats it.(A TOTALLY ORIGINAL JOKE THAT IS TOTALLY DOES AND EASY JOKE LOL.

Imposter:Uh Oh looks like Lasanyan had to satisfy his appetite lol.

He then shoots Garfield.

Garfield:Ha you thought Bullets would work.

He then transforms to that one octopus and garf x Combination from that one episode of his second show sending the Imposter back to Among Us.


He shows his cracked cookie to Sonic.

This has been a fun adventure, and you're my best friend.

Chicken#1 then gets shot by the pink soldiers.

Sonic:Chicken#1 No!

Pink Soldier:Good luck to everyone who survived.

???:Too bad you won't.

Someone does an uppercut.

Knuckles:Did someone call for Knuckles?

Sonic:Knuckles,but how did you get here.

Knuckles:I was just protecting the Master Emerald. This robot named Wheatley stole the Master Emerald and was gonna use it to destroy this game verse.

Knuckles:I then met some strange creatures that looked like me and said that I was their king.

Knuckles then uses a portal gun he got from the island to take Sonic and his new friends to the island.

Sonic:The game verseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora