The world needs to change.

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It's a cruel world,
Being nasty about how someone looks.
Or the way their hair is curled,
Or their favourite toys and books.

Why can't they be kind?
People do not bother to try.
The world must be out of their mind,
Hearing these innocent people cry.

It's so hard to fit in,
When the world wants to be the same.
The world is full of sin,
It's such a shame.

It's very sad,
I wish it would change.
It would make me glad,
Nobody would look "strange".

No one is born perfect,
No one was meant to be.
We shouldn't have to be perfect,
We should just be free.

We are a beautiful creation,
We are all loved by someone.
It's boring being the same,
You are gorgeous no matter what.

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