They don't understand.

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"Stop staring into space."
"Stop doodling."
"You haven't done anything yet."

Is what they tell me,
They think I'm a bad kid.
I do try,
It isn't always easy.

I know they want what's best for me,
I know exams are coming up.
It's a struggle, I know.
Thank you for what you do.

You don't see it,
I try my best.
I have hope.
One day I know.

Instead of doodles,
There will be powerful adjectives.
I won't stare into space,
I'll focus on my work.

I will concentrate,
But it's hard.
Thoughts running through my head,
Worries, excitement, you name it.

But I promise to you,
My dear teachers,
One day I will be,
The bright, clever girl who you want to teach.

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