Signed, me.

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Everyday darling you wake up,
Throw on your uniform
Drink from a plastic cup,
Kiss goodbye to mum.

Walk to school,
Thoughts run through the tangled wires of your brain,
When you know you'll never be cool.
I'm the sun to your rain.

Your fears loom behind your body,
Tugging one of your ginger curls,
Driving your young mind crazy,
But you keep going my girl.

You are in class,
Your GCSEs are next year,
You just want to pass
Keep going my dear.

There's so much inside your mind,
Screaming over your teachers voice
But they won't see what's behind your blue eyes.
I try to protect you from the noise.

My girl,
Do you know who I really am?
The girl with the ginger curls,
And the blue eyes.

Im you, from another perspective.
A Perspective brave and bright.
Im the girl you could have been,
If you had put the effort in.

Now I'm the girl,
With the ginger curls
Who just finished school.
We somehow got through it.

I'll keep going,
When I go to college,
I'll grow and become the star,
The star who I was meant to be.

Signed, me.

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