Chapter 12

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After turning around, I walked quickly and aimed to pass the plaza. I needed some form of transportation; a car, a truck, even a children's bike, just anything. Finding him is now the only important task on my mind. Something I wouldn't dream to slack off on.

There was an inexplicable feeling in my gut that urged and pushed me to go and find him. I was then opted to, immediately, and trusted whatever my conscious was trying to elucidate. He was important to me now, for some unknown reason, but that's only for me to figure out.

It's been minutes, maybe almost half an hour, but really felt like 5 hours, and my feet and legs were completely sore from walking. I knew where he'd be, and all it takes is just someone who's truly figured him out. I think I have. Not fully, but just a part of him. And that was enough, for now.

I was nearing more civilization, actually; neighborhoods in sight, various stores, gas stations, parks, which differed from when I was at the plaza that was practically empty, without many people or any other sites and buildings.

It seemed like a lot of time has passed, but solely the sky changed to a vivid, cobalt blue. I was surrounded by rows of houses and cars parked in the driveways or on the side.

I felt myself weaken as if I might just collapse at this moment. It felt as if I just walked around a large theme park from dawn to dusk.

I stopped walking, from tiredness, but also from a rapid and suddenly emerged idea, once I was by a car that was parked on the side of the road. Nobody was here. No one else was in sight. People could be in their houses, at the grocery store, just somewhere else but the open- right here, and I looked upon that as a chance.

I attempted to open the door of the driver's side, especially without looking suspicious, but of course, it was locked. Well, it was worth a try. People are forgetful these days. Really, truly forgetful.

I looked around the floor, and walked near the area, and found a large, gray rock. I was scared if it'd sound an alarm if I tried to break a window, but this was probably one of my only chances for now. I didn't know why, but only the feeling of desperation fell upon me, thinking about being in his presence.

I picked up the rock and walked back to the car, but I felt myself stop as a man abruptly went in front of me, the lampposts emitting light to where I could see how extremely infuriated he was. He was a scruffy, old, white man, probably in his 40's, had a crooked nose, and a little bit of hair on his head.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Why the hell am I risking shit for Gerard.

I felt my hand go limp and dropped the rock immediately, feeling my throat tighten.

"Fuck-" I muttered out to myself. I was in way deep shit now. "I'm sorry, it's not what it looks-"

"You try'na steal my car?" he said out firmly and angrily, as I stepped back, tripping slightly.

"I-I'm sorry, look, I just... just need to find someone, a friend, okay? He might be in trouble, well I hope not, but I don't know where he-" I tried to explain, but stuttered as he interrupted again.

"I don't give a shit about your damn friend!" His voice was raised even louder if that was possible. "You ain't gonna steal my car in my neighborhood right in front of me!"

This guy's got mad issues. "Look, I'm not gonna steal your car, and if I did, I would've given it back, I promise, and I'm sorry for all this trouble, but can you at least please just give me a ride? Do you know where the Glend-"

"Why would you think I'd give you a ride after you tried to break a window into my car! This goddamn thing was expensive too! Y'know what, I'm callin' the cops! Damn teenagers..." He muttered out lastly, and turned around, about to walk back to his house, but I quickly followed before he could go any further.

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