Chapter 15

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I was outside the restroom waiting for Gerard as I held a bag of chips and a small package of gum in my right hand that I have already purchased. My eyes trailed to the shelves in the small store that would be so close together, creating such a cramped aisle. From the other side of the place, there was a Slurpee machine, food, and there was also a bell at the entry door so whenever someone would walk in it would merely ring. There weren't many people here but that didn't bother me so much. A small group of people was in line in front of the counter with the single cashier with dark rings around his eyes, looking like he hated his job or even his life as well.

My right leg bounced, foot tapping on the floor as I stood awkwardly in anticipation. The store felt too cramped, to be honest, so I was eager for Gerard to come out of the restroom.

I thought about the cop. Him writing down the car's plate. Then, I thought about the news and the security camera footage. Then leaving Gerard. Then Gerard holding me at the motel as I drifted to sleep. Then cleaning up the evidence so terribly. Then the actual murder, the knife plunged into the stranger's head. I shivered and shook, trying to keep those thoughts away, but it just became worse.

What if we get caught?

How many fingerprints did we leave or avoid making?

The cop has our license plate, most likely.

What if they narrow everything down to me and Gerard and we'll become wanted?

What if-

"(Y/n)?" I snapped back into reality, looking back at the counter that had fewer people than before, the cashier looking bored out of his life, and then saw the bright Slurpee machines, then Gerard's face, hearing the sound of a toilet flush coming to an end. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, um," Gerard's eyes looked into mine with concern. "Yeah, I'm good, just thinking about some stupid stuff. Can... can we just get out of here please?"

"Oh, yeah, of course," he replies, and I followed him out of the store, hearing the small ring of the bell that was attached to the door.

We got inside the car and I opened up the bag of chips and reached my hand in and started to eat each individual chip quickly, my mind back on the events that had happened in a span of, I don't even keep track anymore, three days? I didn't hear anything at all except the crunching of whenever I'd eat the chips. Why didn't Gerard start the car yet?

"Are you sure you're okay?" I heard him say, and the chip in my hand that I was about to eat was dropped back in the bag.

"No, Gerard, I'm not! Just a few moments ago, some shit lord cop wrote down the fucking license plate! Who knows, maybe they already know we mur-" I stopped in my tracks. "I murdered the man at the motel and we're just- And even if we aren't suspects right now, we might as well will be sooner or later if they find enough evidence and shit!"

My head was down and I felt Gerard shift in his seat and sigh. "We could change how we look," he says and I looked back up at him. "Change how we look from the security footage. I already have different clothes but you... well, it's not the same as the one from the hotel but it does seem a little odd for you to just... wear a fancy suit with no occasion." I chuckled lightly towards the end of his speech.

"So what are you saying? Should I just get new clothes and we'll be out on our way to God knows where?" I asked.

"Something like that... We'll figure it out, right now you just need to buy new clothes. Maybe we can go far away from here, after. No one will know what we did. We'll just get away from here, from everyone but each other."

I slightly smiled, thinking about the idea of me and Gerard, being alone together.

"Okay," I replied, moving the bag of chips off my lap to the side. "Alright, yeah." Then, I finally heard the engine turn on and Gerard shifted the gear to reverse to back out of the parking.

Dear Universe, Up Yours!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora