Author's Note

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I want to start off with that I never knew I'd actually finish this book.

Writing is pretty hard, and over the past weeks and months I've written this story, I've gotten multiple writer's block. But I can't believe that I actually finished this one, an original work of mine. About 54,418 words total (including the songs playing).

I want to thank all of my readers. I've actually never would have finished it without you. And like I know that's some cheesy saying, but it's true. Your support and appreciation really motivated me to go on. To be honest, at chapter 9 or 10, I felt so stuck and I thought it'd just be another abandoned work.

The thing is, I've always imagined the ending of this book ever since I've thought of the idea of this book. I even wrote it out before I even reached chapter 5. Originally, I planned on making a sequel, or at least a part 2 in this book, but only time will tell. Please ask any questions if you're wondering about anything in this book and I'll be happy to answer.

I always felt the urge to write something incredible, and I've always wanted it to be, y'know, Unholyverse-famous or ASOTM-famous, sort of thing. But I know that in these days, MCR fanfic especially x Reader fanfics aren't very popular and are looked down on, but I really wanted to write something that'll amaze people. I don't know if that'll ever happen or not, but reading a lot of comments and messages on Wattpad and Archive of our Own has made me feel like what I've written is special.

Thank you all my readers for everything, your support, comments, appreciation, everything. I truly wouldn't be able to finish this without you.

I was pretty anxious ever since I clicked the Publish/Post button for the last chapter and epilogue, because I don't want to disappoint anyone with this ending. There may or may not be a Part 2 or sequel to this book, so just stay tuned.

This book will be edited a lot over time due to any mistakes I might have missed or undesired diction and wording.

That's all (for now). Thank you so much.

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