Chapter 1

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New Start

Memeulous: Hey. Is anyone free tonight? Apparently,we all live in London.

James Marriott: At Uni tonight. Maybe tomorrow

Inabber: James. Stop overworking yourself.

James Marriott: Fray. You don't understand.

Inabber: I do. You're going to make yourself ill at this rate.

James Marriott: Please Fray.

Inabber: Anyways. Just be home at a decent time.

James Marriott: Is midnight good enough?

Inabber: Absolutely not! You were home at 5am.

James Marriott: 11pm

Inabber: 10 at the absolute latest.

James Marriott: Fine. Who are you? My parent?

Inabber: You are my son.

StewTries: james. Please be sensible

Inabber: Thanks Stew. He's been doing it all week.

StewTries: What do you mean?

Inabber: Staying at uni to study until fucking 5-6am every day. Then,his lectures start at 11am. So he has like 4 hours of sleep nightly. That's even if he doesn't spend hours scrolling through instagram or twitter,looking at messages.

StewTries: Bloody hell.

Inabber: Yes. Tell me about it.

WillowNE: Just woke up.

Inabber: guess you don't live with a constantly worrying university student.

WillowNE: Nope. Stew refused to go. So did I.


WillowNE: Don't act like you're not the same.

Memeulous: Willow is correct,Mr I go to bed at 7am and get up at 3pm.

WillowNE: ^^^^

ImAllexx: Shut it nerds.

Inabber: Says you.

James Marriott: I'm off see ya.

Inabber: Don't die.

James Marriott: I won't

Memeulous: Any off now.

Lewis Buchan: I'll come with. Sorry,just at the pub with KSI

Memeulous: Off I go.

Lewis Buchan: See ya there.

Inabber: I'll be checking James in case of a medical emergency.

ImAllexx: Fray!

Inabber: Ya.

ImAllexx: Don't panic too much mate.

Inabber: I won't

ImAllexx: See ya.

Inabber: See ya.

*Last seen at 4:57pm*

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